Part 1: BRATZ

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A 16 year old girl with sandy blonde hair and green eyes is falling her hand against her leg wearing

"Mom, hurry up!" The girl yells waiting by the front door. "I don't want to be late to Tiffany's party!"

I sigh loudly before walking downstairs. There she is, your teenage daughter who expects everything.

"Caleb, are you ready?" I call running my hand through my hair.

"Can I have the keys? I'll wait in the car if you imbeciles don't take too long." Mia asks holding out her hand while tapping her foot.

"Mia! Don't speak to your mother like that!" Kendall yells from the kitchen.

I roll my eyes and hand Mia the keys.

"Coming!" My 12 year old son calls back running down the stairs in

I hold the door open for him as he runs out to the car.

"Kendall, are you right to drive Josh to school?" I ask walking into the kitchen.

Josh is my 5 year old son who has Down syndrome; I watch as Josh eats his breakfast as Mia honks the car horn. I roll my eyes.

"No problem." Kendall smiles handing me Caleb's lunch which he didn't pack. "I'll see you in a bit."

I kiss Josh's cheek before walking out the door; I get in the car with two arguing children.

"Here's your lunch Caleb." I say handing it over the back to him.

I glance over at a pissed off Mia in the passenger seat; I sigh in frustration before driving off. Mia rolls her eyes noticing my glare.

"Don't say a word." Mia threatens.

I shake my head, shrugging slightly.

"I wasn't going to say any-" I start before Mia cuts me off.

"Really? So you have no problem with my clothes?" Mia asks cocking her brow.

"I don't like what you're wearing honestly." I mention stopping at a red light. "You should dress more your age. It's disgusting and you have too much showing."

"Well FYI mother, you can't control me or what I wear!" Mia yells turning in the seat to face me. "I can wear what I want, ugh stop ruining my life!"

"Watch your tone with me young lady or you won't go to the party at all." I say as I keep driving when the light turns green.

Mia mumbles things under her breath while folding her arms over her chest as Caleb starts to speak.

"How come Josh and I have to go to school while Mia doesn't?" Caleb asks frowning.

"Because the smarter kids don't need to go to school while the idiots AKA you, has to stay an extra week because you're just so stupid." Mia smirks looking back at Caleb.

"Mia, stop it!" I say looking back at Caleb in the review mirror. "Mia doesn't have school because the older grades get the week off. When you're her age, you'll take this week off too. Now what did Kendall pack you for lunch?"

Caleb smiles as he looks in his lunch bag.

"Pizza!" Caleb grins in excitement as Mia makes a gagging sound.

"Eww carbs plus last nights pizza? How can I even be related to this family?" Mia asks looking out the window.

"Some of us don't have to starve ourselves to look this good, unlike you miss dramatic princess." Caleb mocks as he bows in his seat.

"Shut up dweeb, at least I'm not in the gay-try-hard group at school." Mia blurts turning to Caleb.

"I'd rather be there than in the sluts group." Caleb says as I pull the car over and turn to my kids.

"Caleb! You're grounded! And Mia, so are you after Tiffany's party!" I yell looking between both of them. "If this wasn't her going away party, I'd turn this car around right now! Until we arrive at Tiffany's I better not hear another word from either of you. Is that clear?"

Caleb nods frowning while Mia sighs loudly looking out the window.

"I said is that clear?" I ask repeating myself.

"Yes mom." Caleb answers as I look at Mia who rolls her eyes.

"Fine, whatever." Mia mumbles before I drive off again.

After driving for another 10 minutes in silence, we finally arrived at Tiffany's place.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon, love you." I say as Mia grabs her bag rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, love you too." Mia mumbles grabbing her backpack.

I drive off and head to Caleb's school.

"Caleb, I can't believe you said that to your sister." I exclaim looking at him in the review mirror.

"Come on, mom, you were thinking-" Caleb says rolling his eyes.

"I don't want to hear that word come out of your mouth again." I order. "Tomorrow, I want you to apologize to her when she gets home. Don't worry, I'll make her apologize to you too."

We arrive at the school while Caleb leans forward and kisses my cheek.

"Love you mom." He smiles before getting out of the car.

"Love you too hunny, see you after school." I smile before driving off.

I sigh loudly before shaking my head.

"Kids." I say to myself as I yawn and drive home...


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