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The house is packed, filled with teenage boys and girls; Mia looks around sipping her drink.

"Mia!" A girl screams pushing through the crowd of people pulling this guy along.

That is Tiffany and her boyfriend.

"What?" Mia asks laughing.

"Do you remember Brad from Chemistry?" Tiffany asks winking. "He's smoking hot and I heard he may have the hots for you."

Mia grins widely. Brad was the quarter back for the schools football team, he was tall, dark and handsome with a bad boy personality. He was strongly into drinking and drugs and everything the 'cool kids' does.

"Where and when can I make my move?" Mia asks putting the empty cup on the table.

"He should be here in 15 minutes, he's running a little late." Tiffany's boyfriend adds.

"Tiff, I'll be in your room freshening up." Mia smiles. "Text me when he gets here."

With that, Mia walks away up into Tiffany's room...


Mia walks back downstairs in her cute but revealing black party dress with her 6 inch high heels. She grabs another cup and pours herself another drink.

"Hey hot stuff." A 6 foot guy says coming up behind Mia, placing his hand on her ass.

"Brad, how sweet of you to finally come." Mia smirks looking up at him.

"Can I get you a drink?" Brad asks as Mia motions to her full drink. "Oh what are you drinking? Vodka? Beer?"

"Just soft drink." Mia mumbles. "Couldn't manage to get some alcohol this time."

"Good thing I bought enough for the whole party." Brad smirks kissing Mia's cheek.

Brad takes Mia's cup and throws it away, winking before reaching into the cooler and handing Mia a bottle.

"This shit will fuck you up." Brad chuckles downing more of his bottle.

"I was kinda planning on remembering my night." Mia mentions as she sniffs the alcohol.

Brad cocks his brow, shaking his head.

"Come on, Mia." Brad pleads. "I thought you were cool? I must've been wrong, looks like you're a mommy's girl."

Mia's face tenses as she frowns.

"I'm not a mommy's girl." Mia states throwing the bottle back letting the liquid burn the back of her throat.

Mia skulls the bottle, keeping her stomach down as she covers her mouth before hiccuping.

"That'a girl." Brad smirks grabbing Mia's face and kissing her roughly...


Brad was having shots of alcohol off Mia's body while everyone stood around the bench, wasted. Mia cheers are the body shots were done as she sat up.

"Hehe guys, come outside." Tiffany giggles as Brad helps Mia off the bench.

Brad holds her ass as he leads her outside.

"Looks like this party is just getting started!" Brad smirks rushing towards the small fire which had people around it smoking pot.

"I've never smoked pot before." Mia mentions sitting next to Brad on the log.

Brad gets passed the bong, he was soon high after breathing in 3 cones.

"Try some." Brad offers the bong to Mia.

"I-I don't know." Mia says before brad shoves the bong in Mia's hand.

"Do it." Brad demands.

Mia waits a few minutes while Brad restocks the cone and hands her a lighter; soon Mia was inhaling her first cone and high...


I put the plates in the top cupboard as I glance at Kendall.

"How do you think Mia is going at this party?" I ask him as Caleb and Josh run into the living room.

"No idea, her and the 3 other girls are probably watching chick flicks or something." Kendall smiles.

"Yeah...I'm sure they're having fun, pillow fights and all." I laugh.

"No boys were going to be there, right?" Kendall asks as his facial expression frowns being the protective father he is to his only daughter.

"Mia just said it was a small party, not even a party, a sleep over with her, Tiff, Katelyn and Brooke." I respond putting the last plate in the cupboard...


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James Maslow: All Grown Up (Sequel to Chances)Where stories live. Discover now