Part Nineteen

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Renee's POV

I can't believe he's done this too me. I really need a friend right now, so I call Maria and ask her to come round. About fifteen minuets later she arrives.

"What's wrong?" She asks, as I open the door with make up smudged all down my face.

"It's Nathan" I sob, letting her into the house. We go to the living room and sit down.

"What's he done this time?" she asks me, in an annoyed way.

"He slept with Rheanna" I sob again.

"What? How did you find out?" she asks me, confused.

"He told me. But only because Claire made him. How could he do this to me?"

"You wait till I see them pair! I'm going to give them both a piece of my mind!"

"No, just leave it. What's done is done, and it's my own stupid fault for ever trusting him. I knew something was going on. I just put it to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it. I guess I'm paying the price now" I cry.

"No, Renee! It's not your fault. It's his. Don't even try and blame yourself for this. You've done nothing wrong" Maria says, firmly.

"Ok, thanks" I say, forcing a smile on my face. I guess all I can do now, is try and put it all behind me.

Siva's POV

*Six days later and going to church again*

We are just waiting for Renee now to come to the church. To be honest I am wondering if she will come at all, her and Nathan were arguing an awful lot last week and she hasn't been round since. Nathan seems to be quite depressed as well, he hasn't been acting right, since the whole argument and usually he's the one who's broken it off. It's so awkward in here right now. You could cut the tension with a knife. Rheanna and Nathan haven't even looked at each other. And for some reason Rheanna is wearing sun glasses, which is strange, seeing as though it's raining outside.

"Why are you wearing sun glasses?" I ask, curiously "Is it a new fashion or something?"

"No" she says, looking back down at her phone. Claire just looks at me as if to say "What are you doing?"

"So then..." I say, trying to make it less awkward, but instead, making it worse.

"Does anyone know where Renee is?" Claire asks. Nathan storms off into his room, slamming the door behind him. Rheanna looks up for this and then shakes her head and looks back at her phone.

"Nathan?" I say, knocking gently on the door.

"What?" he shouts.

"What are you doing? We've got to go in ten minuets" I tell him.

"Yeah, and when we are going, I will come out" he shouts again. There is something seriously wrong with this guy. He's never got like this before! Then at that moment there is a knock at the door. Nathan quickly comes out of his room, obviously hoping it would be Renee. Claire answers the door and it is.

"Sorry I'm a bit late, I got held up" she says, walking into the flat and giving Rheanna and Nathan the most disgusted look. Rheanna looks down at the floor, in embarrassment but Nathan just stands there, looking at Renee. "I'm sorry" he mouths to her, across the room. She shakes her head and looks away. We all get into the van, and today Nathan and Rheanna are left alone, and Renee sits with Kelsea. Kelsea looks shocked at this, but smiles politely anyway. Nathan and Rheanna look out of the window the whole journey. Once we get to the church, we all climb out of the van and stand beside it.

"Right, I want everyone on their best behaviour" Claire says. I laugh. "it's not funny, Siva. We don't want any arguing in the church do we?"

"No, of course not" I tell her.

Max's POV

Whilst everyone is at the church, I decide to invite Rach round again. Hopefully with just Tom and Jay in the house, there wouldn't be much arguing. When Rach arrives, she looks really shy and embarrassed.

"I'm sorry about last time" I tell her, smiling. "there not here today, so you won't have to worry"

"it's ok" she says, coming in and sitting down. Then Tom comes out of his room and sits down on the couch with us.

"Jay, come and meet Max's new girlfriend" Tom shouts, with Rach going red. About two minuets later, Jay comes out of his room, with a massive smile on his face.

"Oh yeah, we've already met right" Jay says, obviously realising she is the same girl I was with, when we found him and Kelsea kissing on the sofa.

"What? You've already met?" Tom asks

"Yeah, it's a long story" Jay laughs and winks at Rach. That's a bit awkward.

"Anyway, you can meet Maria in a minuet, Rach" Tom says, smiling

"Oh, ok then" she replies, unsure.

"it's ok, it's just his girlfriend" I smile. About five minuets later, there is a knock at the door and it is Maria. Tom goes to answer it.

"Hey" Maria says, kissing him. I look over at Rach, as I put my arm around her. She has gone bright red. What's up with her? Then Maria comes and sits on the other sofa, with Tom.

"This is Rach, Max's girlfriend" Tom tells her. As she looks at Rach, her face drops.

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