Part Sixty

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Nathan's POV

I slowly put the phone to my ear and say "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Nathan Sykes?" A voice at the end of the phone asks me.

"Yes" I answer, slightly confused. What could this be about?

"I am Renee's mother, I know you two had a thing and erm, well I thought you should know that she was taken into hospital earlier today" She sounds really worried and she has clearly been crying.

"What are you sure?" I ask her.

"Yes, I think you should go and see her" She then hangs up, so I do the same.

"What's going on?" Rheanna asks me, curiously.

"I, erm, I've got to go. I will be back soon, I promise" I tell her, before kissing her goodbye and then leaving. I would have told Rheanna where I was going, but I didn't want to worry her and she probably would have gotten all jealous. But, I don't care; I have to sort this out. Me and Renee had our fair share of problems and I messed everything up, when I fell for Rheanna, but despite everything I always loved Renee, but that's the thing you see, I love Rheanna too and she has my son, so I have to make it work. I run outside and jump straight into my car, I look back to see Rheanna looking out of the window at me, so I smile and then I pull away. It takes me about ten minuets to get to the hospital, and when I do, I park the car up in the nearest space and run into the building. I go over to the desk and ask her "Can you tell me where to find a Renee Smith?"

"Yes, She is on ward 34" the woman behind the desk tells me. I then run to a map on the wall and find the ward. I then run to the lift and press the button. I wait for about thirty seconds before giving up and running towards the stairs. I go all the way up to the ward and I find ward 34. I burst into the room, slightly out of breath and I see Renee laying there. She looks like she's seen a ghost when she sees me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, quietly.

"I came to see. What happened?" I whisper, sitting down on the seat next to her.

"Nothing" She says, looking away and pulling her sleeve down.

"What's up?" I ask her curiously. She doesn't answer, so I hold her hand with one hand and pull her sleeve back up with the other. I then see a cut, right across her wrist. I let go of it and I feel my eyes welling up. Why would she do that to herself?

"Why?" I whisper.

"It was me. I shot Rach" She sobs.

"What? You where in Egypt? But why? What has Rach ever done to you?" I ask her, confused. There is so many questions running through my head, like why would she want to hurt her, they have always been friends? What was she doing in Egypt? Why didn't she tell anyone she was there? Why would she want to hurt herself like that?

"I was aiming for Rheanna, but she moved away and Rach got in the way." She cries. I just look at her in shock and then I slowly get up and walk out of the room. How could she? I know Rheanna and Renee have had their differences in the past and I know it must have been hard for her when I got with Rheanna, but she has been through a lot and we have a son. I get back into my car and I go home to see Rheanna. I would tell her about what happened, but it would only make her paranoid and she might want to kill Renee and she has suffered enough. I get home to see Rheanna asleep on the couch. I pull the blanket over her and then go up to bed.

Renee's POV

I have been so stupid. I just had to do something! Rheanna has taken everything, I ever wanted and she doesn't even care. She stole Nathan from me and she has a child with him. Everyone is so obsessed with those two and I don't think that they even realise that I have been hurting. I mean since me and Nathan broke up, not one person has asked me about how I am, and I see what they write on twitter, the messages, like "Oh my god, you and Rheanna are so cute together!" And "You're going to be a great dad, Nathan". Yeah! What about me. It's like I've been forgotten. Siva didn't even invite me to Egypt, and I mean do they not think how that makes me feel? No wonder I wanted to end my life, I have nothing anymore. I though Nathan coming to see me, was showing that he cares, but no, he was just curious, wasn't he? Nobody cares about me, around here anymore and that's why I'm leaving. That's right, I'm going and nobody can stop me. I am going to live with my auntie in Spain for a little while as I am not wanted here anymore. I just love Nathan so much, words can't even describe how much! I just can't take it anymore. I have to leave, so I never have to see him again. I get out of the hospital and rip off the wires which are attaching me to the machines. Then a nurse runs in, to stop me.

"Renee, you can't do this. Come on let's get you back in that bed" She says, trying to grab hold of my hand.

"No, get off of me!" I shout, pushing her away from me. She falls onto the bed and I run out of the door. I jump into a taxi and head to the airport, never to see Nathan bloody Sykes and Rheanna friking Boyes again!

Jay's POV

*Two days later*

I need to meet Rheanna today, as I have run out of drugs again! Norman told me that she is working for him again now, so she should be able to give me some. Maybe even with discount. I ring her mobile and ask her to meet me with the drugs at the usual place, which is a dark ally way on the outskirts of London. It only takes about twenty minuets to get there, however it is heading into the rougher end of town. After about half an hour I am standing in the dark waiting for her, wearing a hoodie and jeans. I then see a silhouette of someone coming towards me. As she gets closer, I realise that it is Rheanna.

"Hey" She smiles, hugging me, whilst she does so, she pushes the drugs into my pocket and I put the money into hers. Just then someone pushes the two of us apart. I look up to see that is Kelsea.

"So, you're cheating on me are you? And with who? The local slag!" she shouts.

"Oh, thanks" Rheanna says, slightly offended.

"It's not what it looks like" I say, even though I knew Kelsea wouldn't believe me.

"What is it then? Explain that to me, Jay! I thought you loved me. I though we were happy together! But obviously not!" She shouts again.

"Listen Kelsea, I am not cheating on you" I start and then I realise that I have to tell her the truth or she will never forgive me "She's been dealing me drugs" I tell her, looking down at the floor, in shame.

"What?" She says shocked. Rheanna leaves at this. "Oh no you don't, Rheanna! Does Nathan know about this?"

"Don't tell him, please. It will kill him. He knows about Jay coming to my house for drugs, but he doesn't know I am still dealing" Rheanna explains, nervously.

"Well, you better tell him and as for you Jay, I can't believe you wouldn't tell me about something like this!" She says, slightly hurt.

"Well I thought you would leave me." He says.

"Well yeah, I would, but I love you Jay. You need to stop the drugs or I'm gone" She says, walking away. I chase after her, with tears in my eyes. I don't think she understands that it isn't that simple. I can't just come off of the drugs, I'm addicted to it! And Norman will kill me if I stop.

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