Part Forty-Three

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Rheanna's POV

I just stand there, staring at the scene in front of me. Angel and PC Pywell, what the hell? He is married! I remember thinking how nice his ring was when I first met him, two days ago and she doesn't have a ring. They have different last names too! This is just weird! I've been stood here for at least two minuets now and they haven't even noticed! They are too busy with their tongues down each others throat! Oh wait what's going on? Oh no! Please no! I see Angel's hand slowly reaching down to Pywell's crotch. This has gone to far now! I have to put an end to it once and for all! "Eh hem" I cough. Both their heads suddenly snap back, almost breaking their necks. PC Pywell quickly jumps up, in shock.

"It's not what you think!" he says, in a panicked tone.

"Erm, what is it then?" I ask, wondering what lie he would come up with, but he just looks down at the floor in shame.

"Ok. We were kissing, but it doesn't mean we can't all work together does it?" angel says, smiling.

"I don't know. I mean I wouldn't mind, but PC Pywell, your married!" I say in disgust.

"Please, call me Wouter and I know, but you have to understand this was just a mistake, No one has to know about it! It was just kissing after all" I could tell he was lying, but I decided I would just go along with it, as Nathan's trial is in just two days and we haven't even sorted everything out yet. We all sit down, me in-between them two of course.

"So, I spoke to Nathan yesterday after noon and he has decided to pled guilty on the assault of erm, mr Lewis Robbins, is it?" she asks, before carrying on "I have gone through every scenario of what could happen on Friday and the worst case is that he gets sent down for eighteen months, which isn't too bad is it?" she smiles.

"What? Eighteen months? That means my child would be born with her potential father in jail" I say, worried.

"Don't panic, Rheanna it will be fine. You just need to make sure you tell the judge everything" Wouter explains. The only thing is I don't get why angel said "el-" before she stopped and corrected herself. It looks like I'm just going to have to ignore it, I mean I do have to work with these people don't I? After the meeting I can't exactly go home, seeing as though Lewis will be there, as he got out of hospital yesterday and I can't go to the boys flat when they all hate me right now can I. I decide that I will go to an old school friend, Lauren. She is amazing and she was my rock through school. I just hope she won't mind me staying, she knows I've been through a lot and she understands, however I hate to intrude seeing as though she has a young child. It's not what I would really want to do, but I have no choice, I have nowhere else, I have no one else right now. I would go to my mums but she thinks I have this amazing rock and roll life style, being friends with a boy band and all that. Even though thats all over now. I've ruined everything. I go over to her house and it only takes me about half an hour to get there on the bus. I have nothing with me but the clothes on my back, I'm kind of hoping that she will be able to lend me some as I've been crashing at different places for a couple of days now. I'm sill wearing my brides maid dress for gods sake! I knock on the door, not quite knowing what to expect.

"Rheanna!" she yells, throwing her arms around me. She then slowly pulls away and smiles. "it's been so long!"

"yeah" I sigh

"sorry" she says smiling "I haven't even invited you in" she opens the door wide and I walk in nervously. We both go into the living room and sit down.

"is that a brides maid dress?" she asks.

"yes. It's a long story" I sigh again.

"come on, Rheanna. we were like sisters I school, you can tell me! And it's not like I don't have time is it?" she smiles again.

"Ok then" I tell her about the wedding and how Lewis "hurt me" not how, just that he did. I also told her about the trial and how I nearly lost the baby. She had tears in her eyes as she reaches out and hugs me again.

"I'm so sorry" she says trying to hold it together. She then leaves to get a tissue and she seems to be gone a long time, so I decide to get up and look in the mirror which is above the fire place. Then I notice some photos which are on the fire place. There is one of Lauren, her baby and a man. The man looks familiar. I look closer and I realise, it's PC Pywell.

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