Chapter 3: Marines Meet up

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As Michael ran through the bushes and the trees he couldn't help but think that he wasn't in France anymore. The trees were all green and there was no mortar or artillery shell holes anywhere to be seen. But as he was running through the forest he could he the sound of an engine of some kind in the distance. Then he came up to a dirt road and saw a pair of headlights coming towards him so he waved down the vechicle that was coming toward him. 

When the Vehicle came to a stop just about a few feet from Michael the driver him self was wearing a type of tropical camo on his uniform and he was clearly Military as he stepped out he asked.

"Are you British?" He asked. 
"What? No, I'm a US Marine." Michael said. This gave the other unkown Soldier a confused look on his face. 

"Well if you are a US Marine then what is your name and rank." The other soldier said.

"Private Michael Connors 1st battalion, 5th Marines." Michael said as he stoke his hand out for a hand shake.

"Sargent Alex Ambers 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines." Alex said returning the hand shake. "So whats with the WW1 Uniform?"

"If you mean the great war then this is the standard issue uniform the Marine Corp gave me when i went to Europe, Sargent." Michael said.

"Wait your from the Great war?!" Alex exclaimed.

"Yeah what about it, Sargent?" Michael said. "Why is that Surprising?"

"I'm From the Future of that time." Alex said. This made Michael jump a little as he didn't know what the Future held.

"did we win the war?" Michael asked. "Is the world at peace now?"

"It was for about 20 years before another world war happened." Alex said. "And it is much worse then the first one."

Michael couldn't believe what he was hearing just after the war another one would spark up and start.

"Really, even after so many have died another one just started?" Michael asked as he looked at the ground.

"Yes, Unfortunately another war did break out." Alex said. "But don't let it get to you the war that i was fighting was coming to a close pretty soon, so don't worry about it."

Michael lifted his head up to look at the fellow Marine in front of him. But then the 2 Heard loud foot steps coming up from behind the Jeep. The 2 then turned and saw another figure of some kind running towards them. The 2 readied their rifles incase the figure wasn't friendly. But the figure then just stopped about 10 feet from the 2. As Michael and Alex got a better look at the figure they could tell he was Military of somekind. He was wearing a Helment that was similar to Alexes but the weapons he was carrying were very odd looking. 

"Who are you?" Alex asked pointing his M1 Garand at him.

"I should be asking you that question." he said as he pointed his gun at him.

"Whose Military are you apart of?" Michael asked.

"I'm with the United states Marine corps what else?" He said. When he said that the 2 lowered their guns and the new Marine lowered his. "Corporal Ryan Jackson  2nd Battalion, 5th Marines."

"Well it good to see another Marine Here." Alex said. "So what conflict are you from the Future to do you come from?" Ryan then looked at the ground as he knew the 2 in front of him would be disappointed when he told them.

"Well you might not like it." Ryan said. He then explained what war he was fighting before he came here and the 2 others just had mad looks in their faces. Then after that Michael and Alex told Ryan where they were from and Ryan was just shocked at that. 

"Well how could this day get any stranger?" Ryan asked.

 But just as soon as he said that more loud foot steps could be heard and the three Marines turned to see another Guy Dressed in a Military Combat Desert Uniform. But the other 3 Marines didn't know who he was until they asked him.

"Who are you?" Michael asked the man in desert camo.

"Lieutenant Nick Jones, First Marines." Nick replied. He then told them about the war he was fighting and everyone else told him there story. This was Hard to believe for everyone as this was the weirdest situation the 4 have every been in. Each one of them was meet with a Marine of a Different time and Conflict. But then there was a very loud roar in the distance.

"Well if were gonna get out of this well have to work together." Nick said and everyone nodded.

"RRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!" the 4 Marines turned and saw what looked like a over sized wolf with a bone like mask on its face and glowing red eyes.

"What the f*ck is that thing?" Michael said as he pointed his Springfield at it as the rest of the Marines with thier rifles.

"I don't know but I do not like it." Ryan said putting the fire mode to Full auto. Then the Wolf charged at them and then Michael Pulled the Trigger and placed a 30-06 Bullet right in its forehead and it fell to the ground as Michael pulled back the Bolt and readied another shot. the Monster then started to disslove into the air. Then alot more Roars occuired. 

"I don't like this one bit." Michael said as he switched to his BAR. Then the 4 Marines saw lots of glowing red eyes looking at them and they were in for the fight of there lives.


Alright done with this chapter 

let me know what you guys think!

Stay tuned for more!!

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