Chapter 5: Getting to know the others

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After Glynda and the others picked up the 4 Marines and their vehicle they were heading back to Beacon and the Marines were getting looks from the 3 teams that were there with them on the Bullhead. Michael was being looked at by a little teenage kid with a red hood that remined him of a story called Little red riding hood. She then appeared in front of the Marine with stars in her eyes looking at his Springfield rifle. Not only that she was Drooling over the weapons the marines carried.

"That weapon looks cool and its bolt action like mine!" She said. "The names Ruby rose by the way."

"Private Michael Connors of the united states Marine corps." Michael said. "This is just my standard issued Springfield rifle and I'm a pretty good shot with it."

"Ooohhhhh really?" Ruby asked. "How good of a shot?"

"Better then anyone else I know." Michael stated.

"That sounds like a challenge I could beat you in!" Ruby said. "Besides I have Crescent Rose with me!" Ruby then took out Crescent Rose in it full scythe form in which shocked the WW1 Marine and the others.

"What the Hell! is that a scythe?" Michael asked while backing up a little.

"Yep and it also a gun!" Ruby said. Michael found this hard to believe that a little girl would be able to wield a weapon twice her height.

"Well I guess we will have to see who is a better shot." Michael said.

"Your on!" Ruby said.

Alex however wasn't exactly sure about the kids that had just saved his and his friends butts from the Grimm creatures that attacked them. Then he noticed the Blonde girl who was wearing very revealing clothing to say the least and it sure wasn't something he saw girls were when he was in high school. The girl then noticed him looking at her and Alex turned his head to look away. However the Young blonde approached the Marine until she was right in front of him.

"Can I help you Miss?" Alex asked in a calm manner.

"Xiao long, Yang Xiao long." Yang said. "Who are you?"

"Sargent Alex Ambers of the Untied states Marine corps." Alex said. "Are you gonna zip up that jacket of yours or do you always like showing off your body?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Yang asked slightly mad. "Is there something wrong with the way I dress?"

"No Its just I've never seen girls wear that kind of clothing." Alex said. "It looks nice on you."

"Well thank you I like how you are so formal." Yang said as she winked at the Marine.

"Yang!! Stop!!" Ruby said with a pout face. "No flirting with guys!!"

"I wasn't flirting little sis." Yang said. "I was just making conversation with Alex here."

"Wait you 2 are sisters?" Alex asked.

"Well half-sisters we had different moms." Yang said. 

"By the way what were you 4 doing in the emerald forest anyway?" Weiss asked.

"Oh believe me you don't want to know why." Ryan said. "To put It short we have all seen very crude stuff."

"Well you 4 can talk to Professor Ozpin when we get to Beacon." Glynda said.

"Very well maybe he will know something we don't." Nick said.

Then before long the Bullhead touched down on the landing pad and everyone got out and the Marines were shocked at what they saw in front of them.

Then before long the Bullhead touched down on the landing pad and everyone got out and the Marines were shocked at what they saw in front of them

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 "Wow this is a school?" Michael said. "Looks more like a castle to me."

"Looks like a skyscraper from New York." Alex said looking at the tall building in front of him.

"It does kind of look like that." Ryan said impressed by the building.

"It reminds me of the School Harry Potter went to." Nick said and the other Marines just looked at him with confusion.

"Well you 4 come along with me to the Headmaster." Glynda said. "Follow me."

"What about the Jeep?" Alex asked.

"It will be put into a storage unit we have." Glynda said.

"Alright but it better be there when I go to work on it." Alex said.

The students and Marines follow Glynda to an elevator in which Team RWBY, Glynda and the Marines all got in while Teams JNPR and CVFY took the other elevator up to Ozpins office.

After the elevator had reached the top the doors open to reveal a man with Sliver gray hair, dressed in a black suit with a green scarf tucked in with spectaclas on his face. He also had a cool looking cane with him as well.

"Hello there, you must be the 4 Glynda talked about

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"Hello there, you must be the 4 Glynda talked about." He said.


And done with another chapter!!

Let me know what you guys think!!

Stay tuned for more!!

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