Chapter 17: When in doubt...TNT

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Down in the underground city Michael and Ruby walked carefully to not alert the white fang soldiers patrolling the area. While the two were walking around they were sure to check all around them to be sure that they didn't get caught. Ruby was watching the rear with Michaels Springfield while Michael was at the front with his BAR looking out for enemies. Then the two suddenly came across what looked like a train yard with a few white fang members around. The two then took cover behind some rubble to hide themselves from view. 

"Well, I guess we found their base." Michael whispered. 

"I guess so, but what are they doing here?" Ruby asked looking behind the WW1 Marine. 

"I don't know, but they are here for a reason." Michael said. "And we are going to figure out what that reason is, lets get a closer look."

Michael then went inside a broken down building to the left and Ruby followed close behind not wanted to be left behind. The two then entered the building first checking to make sure no white fang members were inside. As the two made their way to the second level of the building they didn't see any white fang members anywhere, the two then took cover just under the windows that faced the train yard. Michael then poked up to look out the window to see how many enemies there were around the yard. 

"How many are there Michael?" Ruby asked as Michael crouched back down.

"Too many to count." Michael answered. "But on the bright side they don't know that we are here so, we have the element of surprise."

"Um, I'm not to sure that we could take them all on our own." Ruby said. "We should wait for the others." 

"By then it might be too late." Michael said. "And by the looks of things they are loading up that train with supplies, my best guess it is for something big."

"You mean, like an attack?" Ruby asked slightly looking over the cover to look at the train. 

"Yeah, you would be right about that." Michael said. "The Question is, where would they attack?"

"I'm not sure Michael." Ruby said. Just then the two heard a familiar voice from before. 

"COME ON YOU GUYS WE NEED TO GET THIS TRAIN LOADED NOW!" Roman yelled and both Ruby and Michael looked out the window and saw the vale criminal barking orders to the white fang members loading supplies on to the train cars. "WE ARE SUPPOSE TO ATTACK VALE CITY IN JUST A COUPLE OF HOURS!"

"Well, I guess we got our answered huh?" Ruby said as both she and Michael went back into cover. 

"I guess so." Michael added. "But, we can let them take off for Vale we need a way to stop them."

"How?" Ruby asked. "There's lots of them and only two of us!"

"Eh, I've had worse odds." Michael said. "Besides, we would only have to knock off the front train and I brought TNT."

"TNT?" Ruby asked. 

"Explosives." Michael answered as he pulled out a package of the explosive. "All we have to do is stick this to the front locomotive and blow it up and bam, they can't attack Vale."


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