Chapter 15: Finding the bad guy base

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With Team MARN and the others...

After the 2 teams met up with the 2 scout Marines they were guided back to where they had set up base. Team MARN and RWBY were amazed at what they saw as they entered the small camp site, of course Nick had already seen some of the machines there as he was the most technologically advanced in his team. 

"Well, this is certainly an interesting." Nick said. "So whose in Charge here?"

"That would be me." A voice said as the group looked to see a Male Marine Sargent Major walking up to them. "Sargant Major Devin Patterson, 2nd battalion 1st Marines."

"Well Sargant Major it is always good to meet some fellow Marines where we are." Ryan said as he slug his M60 over his Shoulder. 

"Isn't that uniform your wearing a bit outdated Marine?" Devin asked. "The same could be asked to you 3 as well." 

"Well, there is a reason for that." Nick said as he and the others in his team explained to the Devin.

After a long conversation later...

"Well that is certainly interesting." Devin said. "The fact that you 4 are Marines from 4 separate conflicts of our time." 

"I know its a hard thing to believe, but it is true." Michael said. "We are marines from various conflicts of our time."

"So all this time, you 4 were from another world?" Ruby asked. "From different times of it?"

"Yes." Michael answered. "The reason we didn't tell you before is that Ozpin wanted to keep it secret from you girls incase you spread word about it."

"Why would we do that?" Weiss asked. "We are trustworthy." 

"Well, you would have had to take it up with Ozpin for that matter." Nick explained. "And I'm pretty sure he would have said nothing about it."

"Well regardless of what your doing here your more then welcomed to stay the night with us." Devin said. "Well help you out with your mission."

"That would be perfect Staff Sargant." Nick replied. "The more the merrier."

"Very well, I have rooms made for you 8." Devin said. "Well move out in the Morning."

"Good, we will be ready by then." Nick said as he, his team, and team RWBY left to be shown to their rooms. Soon they were given a spare room inside one of the secure buildings and it had enough space for the 8 of them. "Well this was certainly nice of them, giving us this room."

"Yes very generous of them." Weiss said. "Although they could have done a better job cleaning it."

"Well beggars cant be choosers Weiss." Michael reasoned. "Get used to it."

But just as everyone was setting down there stuff Ryan looked over at Ruby's backpack and noticed it was moving a little bit. 

"Um Ruby is there something moving in that backpack of yours?" Ryan asked in which Ruby jumped a little.

"Um...No there is um... nothing in my backpack it has um... supplies in it." Ruby nervously answered. Then the bags zipper opened at the top and a dog poked its head out of the bag surprising everyone. Blake instinctively moved away from the dog when she saw it pop up.  


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