Chapter 11: Marines and Team RWBY vs Roman Torchwick

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As the Marines Moved their Sherman tank closer to the warehouse where the white fang were having their meeting Nick was looking from the turret looking out for guards. Then he heard glass shattered above him and looked up and saw Blake and Sunn jump out of the building and started running away, then the giant mech smashed through the building and started chasing Sunn and Blake.

"What the hell?" Nick yelled as he saw the Mech chase after the 2. "Ryan follow that mech! We NEED TO HELP THOSE 2!"

"ON IT SIR!" Ryan replied as she shifted the Sherman's transmission into another gear and stomped on the gas petal speeding off after the mech. Then Nick got a call from Blake on his scroll saying that they needed help. Of course the mech was faster then the Sherman even when it was going its full speed at around 35 miles per hour, however this wouldn't stop the marines from trying to keep up.

Time skip after a couple minutes of chasing later....

The Marines had lost sight of the Mech and were now underneath a highway where Ruby had texted them where they were with the Mech. As Nick looked around the ground he then heard explosions ahead of him and the tank. Ryan then stepped on the gas to where the explosions were coming from and then everyone buttoned up to stay safe inside the Sherman except Nick as he pulled back the charging Handel on the .50 Cal twice to prime the weapon.

Then Nick saw Team RWBY fighting the giant Mech as it Launched Missiles at the Team and then Blake was glowing bright gold and swung Gambol Shroud sending Purple slashes at the incoming missiles destroying them all in a matter of seconds. Then Ruby charged at the Mech slashing at its legs with Blake following soon after. The 2 then kept slashing at the mechs legs eventually jumping into the air and then cutting off one of the mechs weapons off. Then to get Romans attention Alex fired a HE round at the back and made a black dot on the Mechs back and it turned around to face the Marines. Roman was now mad that he had more problems to deal with as the Marines arrived.

"RYAN Hard left!" Nick ordered as Ryan pulled on the right stick for 3 seconds and then straighten out the stick to go forward again. Just when Roman fired a laser at the Tank and missed by a little bit almost hitting the turret. Nick then fired the .50 Cal machine gun at the Mech to hopefully damage a component or 2 on it.

(Like this...just picture Nick firing this at the Mech.)

Then Alex loaded a M62 armor-piercing shell into the breach of the 76mm and then took aim at the Mech. He put the crosshairs on where the legs of the Mech connected to the body and then fired. The shell penetrated the armor on the right leg and then exploded causing the mech to fall on its side while trying to stay balance but failed. Then Team RWBY and the Marines Surrounded the Mech as Alex fired another Shell taking off the left arm of the Mech and then pointed the 76mm at the top hatch of the mech.

"GET OUT OF THE F**KING MECH OR WE WILL KILL YOU!" Nicked yelled as he had his hands on the trigger of the 50.

"I WILL NEVER SURRENDER TO YOU KIDS!!" Roman yelled Through the Microphone. Then Roman used the remaining arm of the Mech and Punched Yang through a concrete pillar and got knocked back a ways. Alex fired another shot but it bounced off as it barley hit the hatch and then Roman whacked the Sherman's side with the mechs arm and knocked back the Marines a bit, knocking Nick back down into the turret.

"Marines!" Ruby yelled as she saw their tank get hit.

"Were alright Ruby!" Nick yelled as he climbed out of the turret hatch. The Marines inside felt like they had just got hit by a train as they all groaned.

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