Eternally Bleeding

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Cover made by ME!

Copyright © 2012 Fanta_xx

All rights reserved by the Author

All characters and events in this novel are fictitious and resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. No part of this novel shall be reproduced, stored or transmitted without the prior permission in writing from the author.


'Sometimes you only forgive someone because you can't stand not having them in your life'

Sometimes, the only people you love and treasure most can totally change your life. In my case, it was my parents. Mum and Dad were arguing, and it was supposed to be the last time that they should ever argue in our household.

I had lay back on my bed, with my phone in my hand and put in my earphones. Loud music blasted into my ears. I needed anything - just anything - to make the sounds of their arguing to disappear. I just hated it when they argued with each other; even though I knew it that it was just an aspect of life for couples to disagree.

I turned around in my bed to look at the alarm clock. Thirty minutes past since the argument started. And they were still going at it. When will it stop? I thought sadly. I turned the music on louder, hoping that I could drown out their voices. However, I still heard them through my earphones.

And then silence...

The music continued to pound in my head but the shouting had stopped. I removed the earplugs slowly and sat up straight. The house was silent, completely serene and peaceful. I climbed out of my bed and ran down the stairs.

I skipped a step or so which made me feel like I was near death and flying. But I didn't care, all I wanted to know was what was happening. I regretted my actions soon after what happened, if I didn't know, it wouldn't have hurt me. But on the bright side, at least I didn't know it all in a bad way where everything was hidden from me.

Mum and Dad stood together in the living room. It didn't take a genius to see that they were so close, but so apart. I took an awkward deep breath in.

"Darling," my Mum said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Something was definitely up; she never called me darling.

"Yes mum," I croaked out, I was close to tears, please don't let this happen.

My Mum turned to Dad for help. He coughed into his hand and stereotypically cleared out his throat. It all seemed like a movie and one that hit me like Déjà vu. Please be just a movie, I thought, trying to convince myself that it was.

"Your Mother and I are having a divorce."

Those single words scarred my heart.

For Life.


Three months later...

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. It was something that I always did, but not out of vain. I wasn't the type of person you'd stare at and describe me as attractive, gorgeous and pretty. You'd immediately forget that I even existed.

I had dark brown hair could be mistaken for black, and a single purple streak that run through the side of my fringe. It made me look hard-core and I liked it. I mean, I don't want to look like the sad little girl in the corner. I acted like me and that's all I wanted to be.

People I knew suddenly changed over the year since the incident. Some became totally different people and in a bad way. They bully others, including me, just because they felt like it, they used to be my friends but they had given up on me because I wasn't 'any fun' no more. And the others acted like they had forgotten me. I only had three real friends out of the entire world, me, myself and I.

It seems lame to say that to others, but what can I say? That I had no friends at all? I could almost hear them going, "oh babes, of course everyone has friends." But then why don't they act like one then?

Dad had gone on 'holiday' one week after the divorce. He had disappeared for four months and returned with a so-called surprise.

"Guess what Mia? Georgia, my new wife, is pregnant!" he had exclaimed, which totally double-ruined my life. But I'm a good actor.

"That's brilliant Dad!" I pretended to shout out. He obviously didn't notice the sarcasm dripping out of my mouth, but at least there were no more fights.

At least the arguments had stopped.

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