Painting the Picture

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Princess Zelda made her way downstairs, two steps at a time. She was a morning person, despite almost all of the fighters being able to sleep till noon (and later). Being a naturally energetic girl, this didn't really surprise anyone.

However, what did surprise them was that she woke up much later today, rather than her usual 4 am- she was royalty after all, she had to wake up relatively early- and instead woke up at around the same time Toon Link did. That is to say, much later than usual.

The rest of the Smashers woke up around 7, thanks to Master Hand's rule about waking up before 2 pm. (Except for Duck Hunt, he kinda just slept whenever he wanted. The duck kept watch for him.)

And so it thoroughly surprised her to see her alarm clock read "7:04". Gah! I must have forgot my alarm last night... She almost ran to the shower to wash and brush her hair. She quickly got dressed, leaving her cape and various accessories off for now. She pulled on her dress and attached the small banner to the belt wrapped around her waist, displaying the emblem of the royal family of Hyrule.

She pushed open the door to her room, creating a click as it shut behind her. She let out a little yawn as she went down the stairs, hungry for the usual breakfast she had almost every morning- two sausages, two sunny side-up eggs, and a piece of toast.

Her fingers trailed along the white brick wall as she neared the dining hall. The fighters were organized by games and franchises- and the ones who had two or less fighters all sat at one table, such as Cloud or Megaman.

She neared her table, with everyone but Link sitting there. He always slept in later than most, similar to her own hero.

Link... Though she was having a really fun time at Smash Mansion, she couldn't help but miss him, and Ravio and Hilda. She reached the wooden table before she could dwell on it any further, however, and took her usual seat next to Sheik and Young Link, who were just talking about Young's adventures in Termina.

Sheik nodded her head in greeting, and Young Link grinned at her. "Get lost somewhere? A full three hours late, I think you just set a record!" She playfully shoved him with a laugh, and grabbed a slice of toast. She plopped the slightly burnt piece of bread on her plate and started reaching for the sausage. "Dummy! I just forgot to set an alarm is all."

However, before she could fully grab the tongs for the meat, something caught her eye.

Her seat was facing the wall, so she got a relatively clear view of what was there, as she sat in front of Link. And what she saw made her jaw drop and her eyes go wide.

She quickly stood up, nearly knocking over Young Link and Sheik, and spilling her toast and butter all over the table. She didn't care though, and she made her way to the what should be blank wall.

It wasn't, though.

Her hand shook as she reached out and touched the drawing. It grinned at her and reached out to touch her hand too, showing it's palm to her.

Everyone at the table had been watching her, so it came as a shock to them when the painting moved to show it's display of affection. The rest of the tables turned to watch her, crowding around to get a better view. Even Link had walked into the dining hall now.

She grinned even wider. The painting was of a young blonde boy clothed in green. However, a small bracelet with a purple gem started blinking wildly on his wrist and he seemed to wince before he shot out of the wall and tumbled into Zelda, effectively knocking both of them down.

They burst out laughing, tears forming in their eyes. "Link!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around the boy. He seemed ecstatic, pulling both of them up off the floor. "Zelda! I missed you!"

There were more than a few "Awww!"s.

Master Hand floated into the room, taking a picture (somehow) and floating back out. He wouldn't bother them, not now.

(Crazy would, though. Wink!)

edited october 11 2019

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