Thanks x, part 1

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Jude McCartney. Yes, that's my name. Sounds familiar? Yeah, my family is crazy. I'm the granddaughter of Paul McCartney, and my father thought it would be a great idea to make it more obvious, by naming me after The Beatles most famous song Hey Jude. The song is pretty good, but it can be annoying from time to time.

But most of the time, my life was pretty good. I was a singer, just like my grandfather and I wasn't that bad. I often preformed live, and I gained some fame because of my grandfather. I had released a couple of singles, but none of them became big hits. Even though I managed to get one of my singles on top ten in the British charts.

Even though I loved to sing, I wanted to do more. I have always dreamed about being in a musical, like grease or the greatest showman. Technically, I'm an educated actor, as well as a singer, but I haven't gotten the chance to act a lot. I mean, I have done some plays, but not any movies yet.

All these things went through my mind while I walked in this beautiful city, Liverpool. I was visiting my grandfather for the week, since I usually live in the outside of London. I walked down to the beach. Ah, I loved this beach. I called it "my secret beach" because I was almost always alone at this beach. I didn't understand why, it was a beautiful beach. I started undressing myself, so I could maybe go for a swim or work on my tan. The sun was so hot on this hot summer day. I wore my forest green bikini, with gold details. Even though I didn't show myself of to anyone, I liked to look good.

I put my towel down and layed my stuff on top of it. I decided to go for a short swim before i started with my tanning. Salt water is supposed to make my blonde hair even lighter. My hair was kind of the typical beach hair. I think I got it from my mom. She has beautiful, blonde curls.

As I got closer to the water, I noticed something floating in the water. I stopped up a second, before I realized that it wasn't something floating, it was someone! It was a boy, maybe around my age. I didn't think a lot, I just dived in the water and swam towards the body. I was scared, this has never happened to me before. Of course, I've taken a couple of courses to learn about first aid, but I've never done it in real life.

When I got to the body, I hurried and turned it around, so I could bring it to land. I was feeling exhausted, but I couldn't give up. I got the guy up in the sand, and checked his breathing. No breathing. What about his pulse? Yes, he had pulse. I immediatly started life support, while I tried to call 999. Fuck! No signal. Okay, stay calm. I gotta give him chest compressions. I leaned towards his mouth and breathed in, two times. Then I did 30 pushes. Still no answer. I repeated my self. No answer. I leaned in and started to breath inside his mouth again, but just then, he threw up my mouth. I didn't care. I helped him get in a stable posistion. After a lot of coughing, he started to breath normally.

First now, I noticed how hot he was. He had a really muscular body (huuuge arms) and he was pretty handsome. He looked confused around, like he was trying to remember something.

"Are you okay" I asked. He didn't notice, he just looked confused around. His eyes met mine, and suddenly he shaked his head.

"Shit. Thank you so much. You saved me" The guy said. He tried getting up, but ended up falling down on the ground. He let out a short scream. I looked over at his legs, and saw a long wound down his left leg.

"Oh god, sit still! I'll get some bandages" I said and ran to get my handbag. I hurried and got my first aid kit and ran down to him. I took out an antibacterial napkin.

"Okay this is going to hurt, so please bite this" I said and gave the guy a piece of my cloth. He took it in his mouth and nodded. Slowly, I started to clean his wound. He had a few twitches, and after a while I heard his screaming through the clothing.

"I'm almost finished, hold on!" I said to motivate him. He nodded. I could see that he was crying. I finished cleaning, and pulled out a bandage and started to tuck it around his leg. I attached the bandage.

"I don't think you need to sew, but you might end up with quite a scar" I said and knotted the rope.

"Should I call an ambulance?" I asked him. He took out the piece of clothing in his mouth.

"No, that won't be necessary" He said and looked down, like he was about to say something.

"This might sound crazy, but can you tell me where the hell I am?" He looked me in my eyes and asked. I looked confused at him, trying to see if he was joking or not. No reaction. He wasn't joking.

"Uh, you're in Liverpool" I answered.

He raised his eyebrows, shocked. Then he lowered them, like he was thinking.

I shaked my head. "You aren't stable enough. Let me take you to the hospital" I said and helped him up. He couldn't walk, so I helped him, all the way to the main road. I waved after a cab, and we drove of to the hospital.

Thanks x (Taron Egerton imaginary story)Where stories live. Discover now