Dokki Origins

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Dokkaebi PoV

Well Monika stayed with us at the penthouse, it was night already, I stayed awake with me and Dokki. (y,n) was sleeping already, it's a good time for girls talk

"I can't believe (y,n) made an A.I" Monika was amazed

"I know he is so amazing" I said

"you haven't told-" Monika was about to let my secret out but I covered her mouth

Just so you know, I am pretty good at keeping secrets

"Our girl here is in love" Monika said as she looked at me
"In love with (y,n)" Monika added as I blushed

"please don't tell him" I begged to Monika and Dokki

I thought you were going to tell me a secret, instead you told me something that I already know

"What!?" Me and Monika said surprised

Miss Grace, the way you behave around him is more than enough to know that you love him...I think he loves you too

Dokki's words made feel so happy but also made me blush, I can't believe he feels the same way I feel, all my life, I played and fight with the boys on my neighborhood, but now the one I love feels the same, I'm so happy

"Why did he created you?" Monika asked

That's...a really nice question, I'm afraid you would have to ask him

"It was to protect the one I loved" suddenly I heard (y,n) voice in the room

"(Y,N)!, I didn't mean to ask something personal, I'm sorry" I said a little bit sad, I hope he doesn't think wrong about me

"It was my fault (y,n) I'm the who asked" Monika said

"I'll tell you...but it will stay here" he said in a serious tone

I looked at Monika and then we both nodded

(Y,N) PoV
I used to have a best friend in my life literally, he was like a brother to me, Jaren was his name, we even planned to go to the same college and hopefully start a business together, at college for the first time I fell in love, With a woman named Christie, she was...beautiful, she always hung up with us, so one day I thought maybe I should do something to keep her safe, something I could use to protect her, then I started to plan Karla, with Jaren, you see Christie, was always happy with me helping her to do her homework and things for her, I was happy to spent sometime with her, one day we were at school, I worked up the courage to I asked her out and when I went to look out for her...she was kissing Jaren, it hurts to watch my best friend kissing the woman you wanted and then hear him say: "Get lost loser"
after that he didn't talk to me because he was with his girlfriend and well...Karla was postponed.

But Karla Almost became a realty years later thanks to my...Dad, and his scientists who helped me to put her together, but she never worked, my Dad...hates Failure and since he noticed that I fail...he kicked me out of his Lab along with my failure.

One year later Karla was born in my mother basement and the mask I have was a gift from my mom. Well the rest is history... my mom got sick, my dad disappeared, Six caught me and I ended up in rainbow...and Karla is now Dokki.

Flashback ends

Grace PoV

"What happened to Christie?" I asked

"Well thing I heard, she was pregnant, but her life is not going well, turns out Jaren wasn't the kind of man she wanted" (y,n) said, but he wasn't sad...but I was feeling sad for him, now I understand him better

"What kind of parent calls his son a failure" I totally agree with what Monika said, when I meet him I thought he was a role model, I didn't matter when he called me four eyes but now I hate him for calling my (y,n) a failure

"The one that never cared about you and your Mom" (y,n) said as apparently he was heading back to sleep, I guess I should do the same thing, but...

"Do you still love her?" I asked him, I don't know what I asked that and he just stopped

"Christie? Hell no, she made her choice along with Jaren and I made mine, which I'm glad, because I got to meet you Grace" (y,n) said with a smile and then left, hearing that from him made me really happy, I couldn't help myself and I reach him and pull him for a tight hug

"What was that for?" I said surprised

"Oh, well you know a hug...friends do that every time they want right" I looked back to Monika and Dokki, Monika shrugged and Dokki well she didn't say anything
"Glad I could count of you guys" I thought but then I felt warmth and when I turned to see (y,n) he was hugging me back, and then he went to his room for real this time

"Nice work Grace" Monika said

That could've gone better Miss Grace...

Next day
Grace PoV

We left for Rainbow HQ, once we arrived we had to go to Six office, and once there

"The mission was a success, the terrorist hunt ended up being a hostage situation but we managed to handle the situation, I must said that even though you didn't do what I asked, you mange to get us someone with information" Six said, serious as always and I sighed in relief

"But" Six added, Why I have the feeling this is not going to end well
"You disobeyed a direct order and I can't let you go like nothing happened, you are helping the maintenance people with the base" she added

"Really?" I said

"you too Miss Nam" Six said

"Wait, I'll do it, it was because of me she didn't uphold the mission, she was trying to do it but I didn't let her" (y,n) said

"Very well, you may go, Miss Nam you are free, but you start tomorrow (y,n) Tatcher is going to check everything you are going to do" Six said then ordered us to leave

"Tomorrow is gonna be a long day" I heard (y,n)

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