The Strongest And The Angriest

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(Y,N) PoV

"Hey honey wake up" I heard Grace said but I didn't want to wake up then suddenly I sneezed and end up waking up, I saw Grace on top of me with a feather and giggling.

"Really Grace..." I said

"what?  you didn't want to wake up so I use my imagination" she said

"Come on, let's get some breakfast, we need to go to the base, Mayra wants to see you" Grace said

"Would you get off of me please?" I asked her really polite

"a kiss first" she said but I had to disagree with her

"Grace I haven't brushed my teeth" I said

"oh, you are right! Fine first your teeth then the kiss" she said as she got off.

After I brushed my teeth, I kiss her and went to the living room where Axel was looking at Skeith

S: What do you want? I can't play with you!

D: yes you can!

S: tell me come I can play with a dog?

D: Like this!

I saw Dokki taking the shape of Grace and threw a ball and Axel went for it, but since they are holograms the ball disappeared and Axel ended crashing with a wall.

S: that's really evil...poor it again.

"Leave Axel alone you too" I said

"oh poor Axel, those guys are bad don't they" Grace said while rubbing axel's head

We were alone in the house, it was 12:00 PM that means Grace's parents were at the bakery, we ate and grabbed the keys of my car but Grace had to drive because I can't, because they don't let me.

Time skip
Rainbow HQ

we arrived to the briefing room and saw Six, the horsemen, Mayra, Lance, Hibana, Tatcher, Zofia, Ash, Doc, William And Ace.

"Finally, you are here" Six said and I nodded

"(Y,N) I called you here because yesterday we were talking about strategy, and we decided to take down the avenger first, I want you to tell us everything you know about him, if went on a mission with him, we would like to hear it" Mayra said

"Are you sure? I mean, I don't think that would be a good idea..." I said, I said that because I saw how Rainbow was looking at me, they weren't happy to see me around

"Do it if they don't like it they are more than welcome to get the hell out of here" Lance said

"Ok..." I said then took a deep breath

Edward Reyes is the owner of the A.I called "the punisher" he specializes in close combat, and it's the one in charge to destroy whatever it's on the way of Hades.

Since you never engaged or killed a hades specialist that's why he hasn't come...yet so I think it was wise to go after him. He and I have a story, we hate each other and I'll explain you why, I started to work with them when my father infected me with the chimera virus, that was 3 years ago.

3 years ago

"What do you want?" I asked to my dad, he had summoned me and Punisher

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