Pro League

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Grace PoV

I woke up, my head resting on (y,n) arm while my hand rest on his chest...I love this, he has no muscle but he is soft, I'm glad I moved with him, this Six seems like a easygoing guy but better not abuse, I turned around and started to play with his nose.

"Hey honey...wake up" I gently said but he didn't move
"Wake up (y,n)" I said again as he slowly opened his eyes

"5 more minutes" he said as he hug me and started to get comfortable, I was blushing but I felt like I could get use to this, I placed my hand on his arm and got comfortable too and without even noticing it, I fell asleep.

2 hours later

I woke up again and looked at the clock, still was early in the morning, I got off the bed after waking (y,n) up, I went to the bathroom and took my shower, I got out of the bathroom and he got in after kissing me

"Yeah, I can really get use to this" I said as I started to dress up, we are supposed to take breakfast with the big three today.

Once (y,n) got out of the bathroom and dressed up we went to the cafeteria where Lance was sitting on a table waving at us, Kira and Dean were getting their meal.

"I talked to Six this morning, he said we should stay here until all the white mask situation has been dealt with, what do you think (y,n)?" Lance looked at (y,n). I would be glad if the big three stayed, I like them more than the others.

"Yeah sure, maybe this people can learn a few things" (y,n) said

Then I heard something behind me and when I turned to see Lion was in front of Kira... he always looking for trouble, I wanted to go and help her but (y,n) stopped me, and shook his head

"Only a coward does spawn peeking Bitch" Lion said angry, as Kira was trying to pass him, Lion didn't let her

"Dude, I don't care but if you don't get out my way I swear to god you will have to brush your teeth from your ass" Kira said, apparently that was enough to scare Lion

"I'll leave her alone if I were you Lion, if your life means anything to you, or if you want to keep visiting your son" Dean said, as Lion stepped aside

Kira was mad then as soon as she saw us her face changed, now she is happy

"How did you know Lion has a son?" (y,n) asked to Dean

"'s my job to know things" Dean said and (y,n) Just chuckled

"Hey speaking of knowledge...Do you have a Medic among you?" I asked and everyone looked at Kira

"I'm not your doctor what the fuck" Kira said embarrassed

"Yes you are" (y,n) said

"The fact that I know about the human body, doesn't mean I'm a doctor, I just use that knowledge to kill people, but when I healed (y,n) from a bullet wound that seal my destiny..." Kira said mad

"By the way...Mayra wanted to see us all today...including you Grace and Six" Lance said

"Who is Mayra?" I asked concerned

"Our Superior" (y,n) said

"She wants to see you in person" Lance said

"when?" I said

"Today" Lance said

Why would a person like her would want to meet me? I guess Kira and I will have to skip the party tonight.
We went to get Six and he agreed, that was easy...
We took the ship and flew our way back to (y,c).

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