The Strongest And The Very Strongest

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(Y,N) PoV

"Grace stay in bed..." I said as I tried to keep my girlfriend from getting off the bed

"I'm fine..." she weakly said

"No, you aren't! You have fever and it's hot but you feel cold" I said, and Grace looked away embarrassed

"I'm sorry..." she weakly said again

"Don't worry, I'll go to the pharmacy to get something for you, your mother said she will stay so if you need anything give her a shout" I said then kissed her forehead

"Thanks..." She said then fell to bed again.

I turned off the lights and carefully closed the door, I went to grab the keys of my car and went to the kitchen to tell Mrs. Nam that I was leaving, she was cooking something for her daughter, she asked me not to go to the pharmacy but I'm going anyway, she has a way to worry about her daughter and I have a way to worry about my girlfriend.

"Dokki, please don't answer any call, Grace needs to rest, but if they keep insisting let us know and we call them back" I said before leaving, I was taking Skeith.

D: Yes, (y,n)

Once in the car we made our way to the nearest pharmacy, as soon as I entered people stared to get scared, I just chuckled and went directly to the nurse who was behind the cashier.

"Can you give me something for fever? " I wasn't sure what to ask, I just told her what Grace has, she is a nurse and that should be enough I guess.

I saw the nurse leaving to hopefully get the tings I asked her, while I was waiting I looked behind and saw the people minding their own business but keeping an eye on me, I chuckled again and then got a call...from Lance.

"Man where are you?" He began the interrogations

"At the pharmacy, why?" I answered him

"Doing what?" He asked

"Playing..." I sarcastically said, I mean for what else I would've come to the pharmacy

"Ha,ha,ha" he was laughing but as me, he sounded I could noticed the sarcasm

"Grace is Sick Lance, I'm here buying medice for her" I said

"We need-" Lance was about to say something but I interrupted him.

"No! The only person I will accept the word "need" now is Grace, if you need something you can talk to your committee" I said, then he hang up the phone

The nurse returned with the medicine I asked but instead of handing them to me she threw them at me, I looked at them in the floor then looked at the nurse again

"Unless you don't want me to get out of here with your heart on my hand, you better get in there again and bring me the medice nicely this time" I said then I grabbed her by the lab coat she has
"and you better give me what I really wanted, if I find out it wasn't you are gonna regret to be born" I said then she went inside again and got me what I wanted and she was nice this time.

S: Dude calm down, you are in the chimera mode again

Chimera mode...I remember Grace gave us that name so we don't get called just infected guy. Skeith's words made me look at my arm and saw my veins again, I was infected again, I took a deep breath and then calmed down and I returned to normal

"Sorry, it's just I wouldn't mind if the medicine were for me, but I won't give something from the floor to Grace" I said.

We left the pharmacy and headed back home, when I opened the door, I saw Lance and his "committee but I didn't matter, what it really caught my attention was that Grace was out of bed and sitting in the sofa covered in blankets.

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