Chapter 35

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Harry was banging on the door but I didn't care, I kept on cutting. "Baby please!" Harry pleaded. "Go away!" I yelled. "Please, I didn't sleep with her! I promise!" "You're lying!" I yelled some more. "No I'm not, look after we had lunch she insisted on me going to her house, I didn't want to but she forced me to we went up to her bedroom and she wanted me to sleep with her." Harry says. "Did you?" I whispered. "No, of course not!" Harry says. "Then how did she get your clothes?" I asked. "From another night." he whispered. "So, you did sleep with her." I whispered. "No, you didn't let me finish." he says. "Sorry." I whispered. "It's okay, but anyway, remember the night when she was in London and it was the night of that fashion thing?" Harry asked. "Yeah." I said softly. "We hooked up after, we just sat and talked. We were getting flirty and she invited me to her house, and we." There was a long pause. "You what?" I asked. "We kissed but I didn't sleep with her!" he said. I cried harder than I was before and cut deeper into my wrist. "Baby?" Harry whispered. "Don't call me that!" I snapped. "Please, I know it was wrong, okay? I'm sorry, I only love-" "NO YOU DON'T!" I yelled. "Yes, I do." Harry whispered. "Please just open the door and we can talk about this." "No!" I yelled. I opened the drawer and saw there was pills. I had a plan. I opened the cap. "K-Kally, what are you doing?" Harry said his voice trembling. "Killing myself." I whispered taking three pills at once. "N-No, please don't overdose! Please! I love you!" Harry shouted. "It's too late." I whispered. I took eight more and my vision was starting to get blurry and I felt numb. "Kally? Kally answer me!" Harry shouted. I was going to answer but I soon answered to the darkness.

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles but we're gonna have to take her off of life support." a voice said. "N-No, please! She'll wake up eventually! I know it!" I heard Harry say. What were they talking about? I opened my eyes and looked up to a white ceiling. I was in the hospital. "I'm sorry Mr. Styles but it's been a month already, we have to take her off." the voice said. I've been in the hospital for a month? That couldn't be right. Was I really? "Okay. I understand." Harry said quietly. The woman walked away and Harry entered back into the room. I tried to close my eyes to act like I was still unconscious but our eyes met, it was already too late. "B-Baby." Harry said tears in his eyes. I didn't say anything but just stare at him. "N-NURSE! NURSE! SHE'S AWAKE!" Harry yelled rushing towards me. The nurse ran in, "She's awake." he whispered. I was so confused. What was happening? "Oh, why hello Ms. Braxton." "Where am I?" I whispered. "You're in the hospital, don't you remember?" I shook my head no. "You overdosed on pills, you've been in a coma for a month and two weeks." she said. I overdosed on pills, it all came back to me, Harry had told me he kissed Paige and I took those pills trying to escape from everything. "I remember now." I whisper. "Well good, I'll check up on you later." she said leaving the room leaving me with Harry. He moved closer to me. "Stay away from me." I said through gritted teeth. "I'm sorry." he said tears in his eyes. "You always are, but you never mean it." I whisper. He didn't say anything but cry. I soon started getting soft, I hated seeing him cry, it was torture. "It's okay." He looked up and sniffed. "What?" "I said it was okay." I whispered. "No, it's not okay. I keep treating you so bad and I promise not to do it again and I always end up doing it again." he whispers. "I know." I say. He sniffed again, "I thought I was going to lose you for good this time, but I didn't. That must say something." he says. "Yeah, it means that if I stay alive any longer you'll hurt me more." I whispered. Harry shook his head more, "N-No, don't say that." "It's the truth." "No. It's not. I love you." he says. "Whatever." I say sternly. Harry just cried more and I tried to ignore him. "When can I leave?" I whispered. "In a few days." Harry said in between sobs. I nodded and he kept on crying. I couldn't stand it so I grabbed his hand and held it. He looked up at me in surprise. "I thought you hated me." he whispered. "I could never hate you." I whisper. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" he asks with a smile. "No idea, but you must have done a lot." I said smiling back. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too. I promise not to hurt you ever again. I know I've said it before but, I mean it this time." he said. "Okay." I said and he leaned in and kissed me.

Three days later, I was finally out of the hospital. Harry and I were cuddling on the couch. I couldn't do much because I was weak from losing so much blood. We were watching spongebob and Harry was whispering sweet things in my ear and stroking my hair. "I love you." "You're beautiful." "You're my everything." "I can't wait until we get married." Things like that that made me smile and made me feel special. He kissed my forehead and whispered, "We're going to have beautiful children." Which caught me off guard. "You want to have kids? With me?"I whispered. "Of course baby girl." he said kissing my forehead. "Don't you?" he asked. "Yeah, but after a year or so." "I can deal with that." Harry said. "Okay." I whisper. "What kind of wedding do you want to have baby girl?" Harry asks. "A big wedding with the boys, your family, my family, our friends, doesn't that sound fun?" I ask looking up at him. "Mhm." he says. "What kind of cake should we have?" I ask. "I don't know, any kind of cake you like." Harry whispers. "Well, you like cheesecake so, cheesecake?" "It's your big day baby girl, you don't have to get any of my favorite things." Harry says stroking my hair. "I know but it's yours too. I just want it to be perfect." I whisper. "It will be perfect. Just like you."

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