Chapter 71

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Kally's P.O.V

I didn't want to be mad at Harry, but anger kept building up inside of me, more and more. I wanted him to rush down here and explain himself, but he doesn't. I sit on the couch and turn on the tv, soon getting a text from Luze.


"Hey Luze!"

"Haven't heard from you in awhile!"

"Yeah, I know, we need to catch up!"

"Wanna go to Starbucks?"


"Okay! I'll pick you up in 15!"


I smiled and got up and went back upstairs to put some clothes on. I never told Luze that Harry and I got married already, I was just waiting for the right time. I guess that time is now. When I enter the bedroom, Harry is sitting on the bed where I left him, with his head down and his fingers interlocked. "Hey.." I say. He lifts his head, it looks like he was thinking about something and I startled him. "Hey." he says lowly. "Uh, I'm going out with Luze, if that's okay." I say. "It's fine..." he whispers. I nod. Why was he being so difficult? "I'm sorry.." I whisper. If Harry wasn't going to say it then I guess I had to. "It's okay, you're right, I should've taken you instead." he mumbles. I didn't like seeing him beat himself up for the littlest things. I didn't mean to make him feel bad! I really didn't! I just wanted him to know that I was a little hurt by him taking her instead of me, considering I'm his wife and all. The word "wife" makes me shiver and I decide to speak up. "It's okay Harry, you didn't mean to. I still love you." I say walking over to him and sitting right beside him. "I love you too." he says smiling. I smile too and give him a kiss. He smiles when we pull away and I say, "I'm going to get ready." I get up. "Okay.." he says. I get one of Harry's shirt, the one that says "Dream Boat" on it and shorts. When I get dressed, I step out of the bathroom and Harry's eyes widens. "What?" I say giggling. "You look.. So sexy." he says looking up and down my body. "Why, thank you!" I say giggling. He smirks and gets up and walks towards me, he's looking down at me due to me being shorter than him, he's still smirking. "What? Do you want to have sex?" I say crossing my arms. "Maybe.." he says biting his lips and grabbing my waist, making me get closer to him. "Harry, no! Luze will be here any minute!" I say pushing him away. "That's why we have to make it quick, baby." he says smirking. "Harry, no, maybe when I get back." I say. He pouts and I giggle. "Sorry, Haz." I say. "It's okay.." he says. I get on my tip toes and give him a kiss. He kisses me back, grabbing my face. I giggle into the kiss and then I go back for more. The kiss was starting to get intense but that's when the doorbell rung, I pull away. Harry groans and rolls his eyes and I say, "Later." I wink at him and he smirks. I go downstairs and answer the door, in comes Luze. "Hey Luze!" I say giving her hug. "Hiiii!" she says hugging me back. I laugh and she comes in, Harry soon comes downstairs. "Hey Luze!" he says. "Hey Harry!" Luze says waving. He smiles and we sit on the couch and so does he. "So, how have you guys been?" she asks. Harry and I look at each other, eyebrows raised. We didn't know if we should tell her now or not that we were married. I lean to Harry's ear. "Should we tell her?" I whisper and he nods and so do I. "Harry and I have something to tell you.." I say. "Okay." she giggles, "what is it?" She looks at the both of us. "Harry and I are married, we got married in Aruba." I say. "What?" she says standing up, eyebrows raised and mouth open. "We're married.." Harry says smirking. "What? How?!" she says very shocked. "Harry made it all happen." I say. "You planned it all?" she says to Harry. "Yep." he says. "Oh my gosh! Mrs. Styles!" she says and starts to jump up and down. Harry and I laugh at her as she fangirls. "I can't believe you guys are officially married!" she says. "We can't either." I say. "Oh my gosh, this is great!" she says sitting back down. "Yeah, so are you ready to go?" I ask. "Yeah, lets go." she says getting up. I get up as well and we head to the door, Harry right behind us. I turn around so I'm facing him, we just stare at each other. "If you're going to kiss then do it." Luze says giggling. And we do. He grabs my face and my lips are attached to his. We kiss for a few more seconds and then I pull away. "I love you." he says smiling. "I love you too." I say smiling back. I turn back to Luze and open the door. "Okay, I'm ready to go now." I say. "Okay, bye Harry!" she says. And we walk out the door together.

Harry's P.O.V

Kally has been gone for a couple of hours now. Moments without her were infuriating. I couldn't stand being without Kally, it felt weird being without her since we were together all the time. I'm knocked out of my thoughts when I get a text from Asami.

"Hey! Congratulations on the marriage!"


She doesn't text back. I knew she was hurt, considering that she had a crush on me. I get another text and it's from Kally, I smile when her name pops up on my screen.

"Hey Harry!"

"Hey baby girl! xx"

"Uh, I have something to show you.."

"Okay baby!"

She sends me a picture and it's a picture of me and the boys on the set of "Steal My Girl." How did she get this?

"Where'd you get this from?!"

"It's all over Instagram.."


"You have no idea how you're making me feel right now..."

"What? Do you like the way I look in the coat? ;)"



"You're so daddy.."

"Am I now? ;)"

"Yes! Gosh I want you!"

"Well then hurry home so we can get busy! ;)"

"Okay! We're on our way home now!"

"Haha, okay baby! xx"

I smile down at my phone. She would call me daddy, I liked it, though. After a few more moments of waiting, Kally is home. I rush downstairs and she walks through the door. "I want you.." she says. I smirk and grab her by the waist and I start to kiss her. She kisses back, wrapping her arms around my waist. My tongue enters her mouth and she moans in pleasure. "Jump." I mumble against her lips. She nods and jumps on me, her legs wrapped around my waist. I carry her upstairs, our lips still attached. We make it up the stairs and I lay her down on the bed. I smirk and get on top of her, taking all her clothes off and mine. We kiss more and then I start to kiss her neck, leaving a hickey. "D-Daddy." she moans. I smirk against her skin and my mouth trails down to her entrance. I put her legs on my shoulders and stick my tongue in. She moans my name and I smirk more. I was just getting down to business when my phone does off. Kally sighs and I say a quick apology and grab my phone. It was a text from an unknown number. I opened the text to see a picture. A picture of what looked like Kally and I having sex. And it was. It was the night we got married and decided to make love like normal couples do on their wedding night. But the thing is, where did this picture come from? The picture had a link to it and I clicked on it. It took me straight to Instagram for me to only see gifs and pictures of Kally and I that night. I went to twitter to see it trending just like it was on Instagram. Who could've done this? Why did they do this? How did they see us? And then it all comes to me. One word. Paige.

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