Chapter 16 - He's Not Too Good Mate..

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Zoe's P.O.V


I yelled as Marcus said.

'I'll call again'

I held Phil's hand and Finn raised his free hand and stroked the back of my head and said.

'Go clean yourself up Zo' he said. The sweetheart he is. I smiled and walked over to everyone. Matt (Louise's hubby) brought me into a much needed hug. I love Matt. He is such a sweetie. I wrapped my arms around him and Louise joined in the hug. I had blood on my hands. I ran to the toilets and washed my hands until I felt they were at least partially clean.

Alfie's P.O.V

I sat on the bathroom floor against the wall and had Dan on my lap. I don't care. Hes having a very long panic attack which is understandable. I held his crying head to my chest and he soon shut up and looked at me.

'Alfie.. do you think he'll be okay?'

'Course he will'

I smiled and heard the doubt in my own voice. I grabbed my phone as Dan moved and sat beside me. I text Jack and asked him to come in. A random drunk guy came in and peed giving me and Dan a funny look. I rolled my eyes and as he left Jack came in and sat in front of me and Dan and weakly smiled. Obviously having a shit birthday.

'H-Hows Phil?'

Dan asked.

'He's not too good mate.. The ambulance is on its way. '

Dan whimpered at the reply. Then my phone went off. A text from Finn.

'Ella arrived. Get Jack into the corridor please!' I smiled widely. This will surely cheer him up!

'What is it?' Jack said as I dragged him into the corridor with his back facing the door she'd enter through.

'What is it Alf?'

He said as I saw Ella come through the door. Before he could turn Ella had ran up and hugged him from behind. He spun round and screamed and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. I heard them both crying and after a long time he put her down. Kissed her and she introduced herself.

'Hi! I'm Ella!'

'I'm Alfie '

I said and gave her a quick hug then Dan came out.

'Dan. This is Ella. My girlfriend'

'Nice to meet you ' he tried to smile. She gave him a hug having evidently witnessed Phil's state on her way in. She gave him a very long embrace and as they ended it I held his hand and walked him into the pub. Paramedics where crowded around him on a stretcher. Oxygen feeding him through a mask and a IV in his arm. They began to wheel him out as Dan ran too his side.

'You can't come with him. Are you fami-'

'I am coming ' he stated as they gave in. After they'd left everyone stood in the bar shocked. Including the bartender. I walked over to Zoe who had Matts arms tightly around her and he spun Zoe and gently pushed her into my arms.

'Zo. Baby. You didn't panic. I'm so proud of you' I said and kissed her head as she looked up at me.

'Can we please go to the hospital? Dan needs it '

'I'll call an Uber now ' I said. Ella met everyone and they all decided to chill by the bar for the rest of this traumatic night. Finn decided although it was his birthday he'd come with us. We soon said our goodbyes and left. Arriving at the hospital in 15mins. Finn looked upset. I text him as we walked into the hospital.

'Sup mate?'

'Seeing Ella and J made me realise how lonely I am '

'Want to know what stunning American has a crush on you?'


'Andrea. That's partially why her and Kian broke up'

'but she's in america'

'Her, Jenn and the O2L guys are flying in for an event next week. You can meet up tomorrow or tonight she's should be here at the hotel by now'

'I might go now. Meet her in the hotel. are you guys okay?'

I walked up behind Finn who'd just got out of the car with us.

'Go get her' I said. He stopped the Uber driver. Said bye and hopped back in as I explained to Zoe. Once we made the hotel room we went and sat with Dan. He wasn't crying now but informed how his parents would come in the morning. Soon after the doctor came out and we all stood up eagerly.

'He is in really bad shape. He is in a coma. The glass did not break through the skull but he bled a lot. So it is not yet decides when he'll wake up'

Dan didn't cry again. Just asked.

'Can I see him?'



'Okay '

Love jawyerandshoey xx

Fucking hell!!! I set the target of 35. Looked back in a day. 84!! Thanks so much.

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