Chapter 18 - Why Would I Be Happy?!

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Alfie's P.O.V

I woke up, very happy at 7am which is extremely early for me but our appointment was at 10 and I wanted to make Zoe breakfast. I hopped in the shower quickly and dried my hair and changed then started cooking pancakes from the video me and Marcus had done. I made her one with Nutella and one with sugar, then some orange juice and an apple. I placed them on one of her lap trays and brought it to her. I woke her up gently by kissing her head and soon she sat up an I placed the tray on her lap.

'What's all this for?'

'My beautiful girlfriend!!'

I smiled and cooked myself a couple pancakes and ate them in the kitchen and then put everything in Zo's dishwasher and wiped the work surfaces. Heading back to Zoe, I smiled to myself and soon reached her side, who'd just finished her breakfast.


'What do you want?'

She said knowing that's my 'I want something' voice.

'Could I pick your outfit for today? Because I wanna see how good I can do and Marcus and Ni always do it and-'

'Course!! I love you so much Alf'

'I love you too!'

I said and took the tray from her lap and gave her a kiss as she headed to take a shower. As I heard her hairdryer start up in the bathroom I opened her wardrobe and began to choose her clothes. I don't know why I want to do this but I guess I just wanted to show her I know her very well. I chose a pair of her black leather leggings, a long sleeved white translucent blouse, red converse and her gold infinity charm necklace. She came out with her towel around her and looked at what I chose.

'I love it so much!!'

She said happily and I hugged her smiling and very proud of myself. While she put her makeup on I text Joe, under Zoe's intruction, to come over in the afternoon so we could tell him. My mother told my sister and she was as exited as us.. This is all so shocking but i'm exited. Once Zoe had finished getting ready she drove us to the doctors. In the waiting room where a range of young and old people as this was a gp office also.The wait seemed like hours of texting, tweeting random quotes and Zoe shaking. When the name 'Miss Sugg' was called I looked at her panicking.. I kissed her gently and we strode to the room, the conversation was exiting and we had a lovely, young male doctor, probably around my age.

'So Zoe, what is the date of your last menstral cycle?'

'Exactly 6 weeks ago'

'And you're estimated date of conception?'

'August 2nd' I inputted as Zoe looked flustered.

'Okay then. Great! That would make your due date the 9th of May 2015.'

As he said that I looked to Zoe and we both grinned at eachother. The doctor happily smiled at us, typing the dates onto the computer then standing infront of us.

'So Zoe, if you could just lay down on the bed there and i'll be back in a minute'

Zoe nodded as the doctor left the room and Zoe hopped onto the bed. She looked at me and she was obviously nervous. I kissed her forehead as she laid back. I held her hand as the doctor entered again with blue gloves on and a smile on his face. I asked Zo to lift her shirt away from her stomach and she looked terrified, being bulimic and all.. She did it anyway. He gently applied the stethoscope device to her stomach and soon we heard a tiny little heart beat.

'And there's your little baby'

He said and smiled. I smiled widely at Zoe and I saw a tear roll down Zoes cheek as I kissed her quickly and the doctor wiped her stomach as she replaced the shirt.

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