Chapter 11

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Please read the author's note, it's important to understand the new characters... It's a bit long but I pinky promise it's worth it... Thanks Shadowhunters!


Alec's POV

I'd been chatting with Zachariah for a few hours when the doorbell rang. Zachariah got up to answer and Jace, Izzy and Clary came through the door. Secretly, I'd been hoping it was Magnus. Even though he had only been gone for a few hours, I really missed him. For the last two weeks, we've been together 24/7 and I couldn't help but miss him right now. But seeing my family come through the door was also a relief since Jace always does stupid things when he acts before thinking, like he did when he ran out of the apartment. Seeing Clary come through was also a relief, because Jace needs Clary far more than he admits. But I was also shocked not to see Simon. I knew he was hopelessly in love with my sister and since Clary was here, why wasn't Simon?

"So, where's that useless bloodsucker?" I decided to ask, a smile tracing my lips.

At that, both Izzy and Clary started crying. What the hell did I say? I insult Simon all the time, why would they start crying this time? Jace then whispered something into Clary's ear before kissing her forehead. Clary took Izzy's hand and they left for a spare bedroom, leaving me alone with Jace and Zachariah. Jace then gave me a torn piece of paper on the edge, which seemed to be stained with blood. I unfolded it and read it, my face suddenly contorting with anger and grief. Anger for that bastard who calls himself a pure Shadowhunter and grief for losing a friend, who would have become my brother-in-law.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!" I screamed as I sat up on my bed.

"My exact thoughts, brother," Jace replied with a sad smile.

"How's Iz dealing with this?" I asked, desperately worried for my little sister.

"Not good. She's been crying for the past hours and I just told Clary to put a sleep rune on her so she could have some rest... And Clary's also devastated... I don't know what to do. I've never lost someone close to me since Max and I don't know if I can live through this shit again. Let alone watch Clary and Iz go through it," Jace replied.

"I know, I'm so lost too," I added, not really knowing what to say.

"If I could just say," began Zachariah, "Losing someone close to you is a terrible ordeal. There's not really any way to deal with it. I know you've learned in with the lost of your young brother, Maxwell. In these moments, you must not let your pride get over your other emotions, or the memory of your loved one will forever be tainted by your ego. You have to let them go onto the next step in their life, whatever it is in the case of your vampire friend. The only important thing you have to remember is that the angels decided of where he will be going and the only way to honor his appearance on Earth is to honor his death. Grief will forever cling to your skin and the only way for the feeling to soothe the feeling is to accept it."

"Thank you," Jace and I both said at the exact same time.

"Your welcome. Now Alexander, it's time for your treatment, you should get some sleep," said Zachariah as he left the room with Jace.

Zachariah's POV

As soon as he entered the room, I knew he was Jace Herondale. He walked like Will, talked like Will, acted like Will. It was absolutely crazy, even if they didn't look a bt alike. I knew I had to talk to him about Will; poor kid was still confused about his family name. I didn't really know how to get into the subject.

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