s e v e n t e e n

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Ross's POV;

I walked into school, immidiately looking for Laura. I had to see if she had found out from the Austin and Ally producers. We had auditioned three days ago, and I had to find her.


"Laura! Everything will be okay, I promise," I told her as we stood in line with the other people auditioning for Austin and Ally. "I don't know Ross, I'm scared, what happens if we don't make it? We'll miss the best shot we had to make it onto a Tv show," Laura said, worriedly. I laughed and grabbed her hand. "Everything will be okay," I told her.

Just then a red head walked up to us. "Hi! My name's Calum, just auditioned. I really hope you guys get the parts, if I get to act with you two, I think it would be fun,"  he said before walking away. Laura had a confused expression on her face. "He seems nice," I pointed out. "Yeah, very," Laura agreed. "Can we have number 216 and 217 to the set please," a loud voice boomed over the intercom. What? No way! I was 216 and Laura was 217!

"Laura! We're auditioning together," I said happily. "Yes!" she exclaimed and grabbed my hand. We go onto the set and I was in awe. This place is full of musical instruments. I was in my own world when I heard a voice.

"You like the instruemnts?" a man asked us. I then looked over at Laura who was sitting be the huge grand piano. "We're both kind of music crazy,"  I siad shaking the man's hand. "Ah yes, you came to the right show then," he said. "I'm Ross, and that's Laura," I said, smiling. "I'm Heath, and that's my co producer Kevin," he said. I smiled and nodded. "Laura! Time for the audition," I told her.

"Well lucky for you two, you passed part of it. You went straight to the instruments, that's test one, because I assume you're auditioning for the roles of Austin and Ally," Heath asked.

We both nodded. "Great," he said and gave us pieces of paper. They had some lines on them of things that the characters would be doing in the first episode. After recieting them all of the producers and writers stood up and gave a standing ovation. I smiled widely. "You two nailed it! That's the best thing I've seen all day!" Kevin said. Laura looked shocked and I was just standing there smiling.

"Thank you," we both said. "Now, here's what I need you to do next," Kevin said, handing us music and lyrics and sat us down by the piano. "Play this and sing, we need to hear that in order to pass the audition," Kevin told us. We both nodded as I started to play the piano. Laura sang the first few lines and I sang the pre chours.

Once we concluded all of the wirters in the room stood up and gave a standing ovation. Then Kevin spoke,

"You're going to be hard to beat,"


"Laura! Laura!" I yelled, looking for her. "Mr Lynch we do not yell in the hallways," some random teacher told me. "Yeah, whatever," I muttered and kept looking. Then I saw her standing outside of the gym with Kailey. "Laura!" I yelled and that same teacher poked her head out of a door. The hell? "Mr Lynch, detention," she said, sternly. I rolled my eyes and looked at Laura and Kailey as they tried hiding their laughter.

I walked over to them. "Hey guys," I said, forgetting that I had something huge to tell them. "Hey 'Mr Lynch"," Kailey mimicked. I shot her a glare and then Laura spoke. "Send me a postcard from detention!" she said, and went to high five Kailey, but Kailey just turned around and Laura had to high five herself.

"Shut downnnnnn!" I said, as I fist bumped Kailey. Then we all just started laughing. Then I remembered what I had to say. "Laura, guess what?" I said loudly as that same teacher walked by us. Seriousily is she stalking me or something? "Don't make it two detentions Mr Lynch," she warned. I sighed and focused on what I was trying to say. "Laura, I got it! I got the part! I'm Austin Moon!" I cheered. "Ross! That's great!" Laura said, hugging me. "Did you get the part of Ally?" I asked. She then looked down.

"Oh no Laura, I'll quit if you want me t-,"

"I GOT THE PART TOO!" Laura yelled. And then guess who walked by? Yep, you guessed it. "Detention for you too Marano, stop yelling in the hallways!" that lady said, and returned to her buisness. Laura didn't care, she was too happy. "Laura this is huge!" I cheered and looked over to Kailey, smirking. "What are you smirking at?" I asked.

"You know how much I love music, so I too got a job on Austin and Ally," Kailey said, happily. "No way!" we both said happily.

"Yep, I'm one of four songwirters who will be composing music for the show," Kailey said.

"NO WAY!" Laura and I excalimed. "Yep," she said as the bell rang. "Got to get to class, seya!" Kailey said, walking away. Laura and I have first period together, so we walked together. "Laura?" I asked. "Yeah?" she replied.

"Our lives are going to change," I said.


an; ewww im sorry about how sucky that was. i literally tried to make it good, so im sorry if you didnt like it. i hope you didnt skip over the flashback cuz thats kinda the whole chap.  anyway, Ross and Laura got the parts! partaaaaay! see you sooon,


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