t w e n t y e i g h t (End)

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Laura's POV

Two Weeks Later

I walk through the mall, very cautious of meting R5 or Ross anywhere I go. Ross sent me a song called "Let's not be Alone' and let me tell you, it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, but I still think that he wants me to stay back from MUNY. I feel to guilty to even face Ross, especially since I'm not going to be staying here, accepted or not.

I walk over to Starbucks to see Bri sitting there. Thank goodness, I need someone to talk to about this, and Rydel kind of isn't an option.

"Bri!" I excalimed, walking over to her table. She lifted her head and smiled. "Laura, hey!" she said back, standing up to hug me. I sat down to join her and she immidiately realized something was wrong. "Laura, are you okay?" she asked concerned. I shook my head. "It's Ross drama, and you know just tons of stuff I can't explain. I'm also super stressed over getting into MUNY. I don't know, I just feel so overwhelmed," I explain, putting my head in my hands.

"Aw Laur, I hear ya. I'm stressed too, but that's why I just leave and go places. To clear my head, it really helps sometimes," she explained with a friendly smile. I returned the smile and turned my head and caught a glimpse of blonde hair which immidiately made me do a double take. Force of habit, and to my dismay, there was Rydel, walking with some other girl. "Oh no," I whispered and Bri looked to her left and wide eyed the scene. "Oh shoot," she said. I turned my head but sadly Rydel still recognized me.

"Laura! Oh my gosh, fancy seeing you here. This is my friend Lali," she said, pulling up to chairs and sitting down. "Uhm, have a seat?" I said and she smiled. "Thanks, I did," she said and turned to Bri. "I'm Rydel, and who might you be?" Rydel asked nicely. "Bri, huge fan. Friend of Laura's," she said, smiling at Rydel. "Awesome! Nice to meet you," Rydel said before turning to me. "So Laura, and Bri, this is my friend Lali," Rydel said and Lali smiled, before turning to look at me.

"Heard you're leaving," Lali says to me before raising her eyebrows. I frown and look at her. "Uhm, maybe, why do you ask?" I question and she gently smiles. "I just heard from the Lynches, no biggie," she said shrugging. I shift my eyes over to Bri and she looks just as confused as I am. "Uhm, well nice talking to you guys, but Bri and I should be going," I say, standing up. "We should?" she questions before I pull her up and walk away, not forgetting to wave bye to them.

"Laura, what was that about," Bri asked as we walk away from Starbucks. "I just don't want to talk with them right now," I explained.

Sadly, I spoke too soon. We were about to exit through the north side doors when I saw a familiar brunette standing there. "You have to be kidding me," I mutter under my breath. "Laur!" Ratliff calls. He approaches us and notices Bri. "Hello, I'm Ra-" "I know who you are, I'm a big fan," Bri said smiling at him. He smiled at her and returned to me. "Laura! I miss you tons. Let's hang out. Want to go to the converse store?" Ratliff asked. "Uhm, not really," I mumbled. "Okay great! Let's go," he said, pulling Bri and I in that direction. This is getting weird.


Bri and I made a run for it out of the converse store five minutes ago when Ratliff bought is ninth pair of shoes. We're almost at the west entrance. So close! We're literally five metres away from the door when Rocky comes into view. First it was Rydel, then Ratliff guarding the ohter entrance, taking us to the converse store, now Rocky. This isn't just a weird coincidence, this is a plan. "They're up to something," I whispered to Bri before approaching Rocky.

"Laura! H-" "Save it Rocky, what's going on," I said sharply, glaring towards him. He acts shocked but I know he's just thinking of a backup plan since I"m on to them. "What do you mean?" he asks casually. "You know what I mean, what's going on," I ask, before staring him right in the eye. He can never be stared in the eye and not tell the truth. "Uhm, uhm," he stammered before giving up. "Okay, we were trying to keep you in the mall until Ross comes. He's going to try and convince you to stay in Califorina," Rocky said, frowning at the fact that he'd been beat.

I knew there was a plan. "Look Rocky, as sweet as that is, I ju-" "Rocky! He's here- Oh hey Laura.." Riker said, scratching the back of his neck. "Ratliff never texted me that Laura had gotten this far," Riker said awkwardly. "Dude you should have checked your walkie talkie," Rocky said in a 'duh' tone. I rolled my eyes. "Really? Walkie Talkies?" I asked, looking at Riker. "Sorry Laura," he said. I stormed past them and back into the mall. I heard Bri calling my name but I just need to find Ross and put an end to this.


I approach the food court and see him standing there with a microphone and a guitar. Once he sees me, he smiles. "Hey Laura," he says. "Oh no, don't you 'Hey Laura' me," I say before glaring, He frowns. I roll my eyes. "Your siblings have gone nuts! They've encaged me in this mall! So this better be good!" I yell.

"Laura, I just wanted to give it one last shot at trying to get you to stay here. I don't wan't to see you go," he says sadly. "Ross, don't you get it? I'm not staying. How much more clear does it need to be?" I say softening my tone. "Laura, 1-" "No, save it, I'm going home," I say before turning away and leaving.

I can feel Ross watching me leave and I felt bad, I did. When he had to leave for tour I was always torn up inside, but I never showed it. I cried 90% of the time he was gone and now I'm the one leaving him. Honestly, I do feel bad, but I can't stay in Califorina forever. I just can't.


I reach home and see the mailbox full of flyers and envelopes. I run towards it and check.

Billl's Surf Shop: SALE


Champy's Sports Grill: Dinner Coupons

Nope Again.

MUNY: Music University of New York

Nope- Wait, what? I look at the envelope and sure enough, this was my letter. My heart started beating and immidiately I started shaking. This was it, this was the determining factor of everything. I rip open the letter and start reading.

Dear Laura Marano,

Congragulations! You have received the Honorary Studious Acheivement Award. Your Semester begins in September so you have plenty of time to move down here.

We look forward to seeing you around Campus,


MUNY Headmaster, William Ferring

Are you serious. I got in, I got in. I actually did it. I GOT INTO MUNY! I DID IT! I DID IT!

"Congrats," I hear a voice say and I turn my head to see Ross standing there. "I'm happy for you Laura," he said with tears falling down his face. "Ross," I say, feeling bad. "You deserve to go, you really do," he said before closing his eyes and breaking out into tears on my front step.

I embraced him in a hug and stroked his hair. He was upset, but this is always what I felt like when he left for tour. "Ross, this isnt't the end," I whispered. He pulled away and looked a me for a second. Then he leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back, I was going to miss him, but this is how it has to be.

He pulls away. "Just remember, I love you Laura," he said, leaning his forehead against mine. "Ross, I love you too," I say, holding back tears.

"See you in three years?" Ross asked, grabbing my hand.

"See you in three years," I confirmed, squeezing his hand. He aqeezed back, turned on his heal and walked away, every second his body figure getting smaller as he walked, eventually disappearing into the horizion.

See you in three years...


oh my gosh i cried writing that. too emotional for me.

anyways, yep! this is the end! buuuut, the sequel which will be entitled "These Three Years" Will be out in November. I love you guys and thank you for reading. means the world.


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