Chapter Two: Chance Rocker

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Chance Rocker:

Today started off perfectly. I spent most of my time with the amazing Amelia, my girlfriend.

She was medium height, but one of the tallest girls in her year at school. She had a gorgeous model build that everybody fell in love with. Her eyes changed colors constantly, so no one really knew what they truly were, but they put everybody in a trance when she looked at them. Her honey colored hair draped loosely around her face, with her cute high cheek bones and nose that curved like a princess's. We had been going out for about four months, and we couldn't get enough of each other. She liked the older guys, which didn't bother me considering she probably wouldn't have noticed me unless I'd been a year older, like I am.

We stood together, I had to be getting to work soon, as we both knew, bur neither of us wanted to move. I grabbed Amelia's wrist very carefully and turned it until her scars were revealed. I sadly looked them over, then brought my lips down to them, kissing her wrist.

I broke away from our encirclement, unwillingly. "I must go. I'll tell you about my newest mission later tonight. You're still coming to my house to meet my parents, right?"

"I wouldn't miss it," she said. I hurried out of the school building, to my car and zoomed to get my new mission. I ran into the building and Stan stood there impatiently, though I wasn't late.

"My office. Now," he wasn't pleased with me, but I couldn't have cared less. I went in and Stan shut the door behind me. He'd never done that before while giving me a mission, so it made me nervous.

"The new mission," He started pacing around the room, "is very dangerous and probably life threatening. You and your companions shall leave as soon as this meeting is over. The other boy that will be with you and yourself have been watched by the government, and they're hoping you two die on this mission. They, for some reason I do not understand, don't want you anymore. Hayden Carpenter, I believe, is the other boy. If you two come back alive, hopefully the government will rethink they're decision and let you be. You two, and another girl, Amelia Livingston, who is expected to live because she is thought to be the next royal heir, shall go to the coastline across the county to find the queen's lost emerald. The problem is, the coastline is in a war zone, at the moment, as you well know."

"Amelia, Hayden and I?" I asked in disbelief. My girlfriend, her ex, and myself. Not possible.

"Yes, Chance. Sometimes I swear you don't even listen to me," Stan sighed.

"Sorry, sir, but why's the government been watching me and Hayden Carpenter? What have we done?" I was trying to let my brain process this all.

"I don't know," Stan said and I could tell he was being honest. "I doubt it's reclassification, because that hasn't happened in centuries."

"Reclassification?" I couldn't breathe at all. "And Amelia being the next heir...?"

"If she completes this mission, then she is," Stan confirmed. "And again, I highly doubt it's reclassification."

"But, if Amelia is really supposed to be the next heir, then that means she knows, right?" I asked. "She knows she is?"

"I think that's how it works. I'm not really sure," he furrowed his brow in deep thought, but came up with nothing.

"Well, I think I better get going then," I sighed heavily. I had a lot on my mind. Stan probably thought it must've been the whole 'life threatening' thing, because he tried to comfort me.

"Hey, look, Chance. Prove the government wrong. We both know you can, don't worry about it," he patted me on the back.

"I have to go pick up the others," I mumbled and ran into the door on the way out, but kept going.

I drove around recklessly for about twenty minutes angrily. Then I found myself in front of Amelia's house. I had no idea how I was going to do this, but I'd have to find away, and fast. I ran to the door, and Kayla, her sister, answered.

"Chance? What are you doing here?" she asked tilting her head to the side a little.

"The mission, I got it. And Amelia's part of it. We need to leave now, can you get her?" I said as quickly as possible.

"Why do you need to go now? Is it really that important?" Kayla asked. She was famous for her questions.

"Look," I said making my voice really low. "This mission is very important and we need to leave right away. And, oh, by the way, if your sister completes this mission, she's the next heir."

"What?" Kayla was just as shocked and confused to hear the news as I was. "Amelia...?"

I leaned against the doorframe as I waited for Amelia to appear. When she did, she looked cheerful, until she saw me. Then she just looked surprised.

"We need to leave. Now. The mission..." I composed myself for her, but I was nervous. "They told me that you needed to go, too. But before you get excited; I should tell you that the other person is, uh, Hayden."

"Hayden?" Amelia didn't get it, and I didn't want to explain it to her. I took a deep breath.

"You know, your," Did I really have to do this? "Uh, your ex-boyfriend," I didn't want this to happen. "I'll explain on the way, but for now, we need to go." The only thing I absolutely didn't want to do was tell her what this mission was about. "Come on, hurry. We still have to go pick up Hayden!"

I reluctantly took her hand and dragged her to the car. I started driving, but I realized I had no idea where I was going.

"Where's his house? Do you still remember how to get there?" She nodded slightly, looking embarrassed.

"You're gonna wanna turn left on Adams," she whispered, barely even audible. "It's one of the ones on the cold-a-sack. Bright blue."

I nodded, and tightly gripped the wheel. I didn't want to do this. I knew Amelia didn't want to either, but we had to. We were being forced.

I couldn't stop thinking about the heir thing. I wanted to bring it up, but Amelia probably had a lot on her mind, anyway. I couldn't believe she kept it a secret, even from her sister.

I pulled over to the house she told me to. We had to get this over with, whether we wanted to or not. I knocked on the door and took a step back. Deep breaths. The door creaked open.

"I don't want to talk to either of you," Hayden growled, looking both of us over skeptically.

"Neither do we," Amelia spoke up, looking mad. "Trust us. But we need to get on a very important mission, and apparently us three got chosen to be put together for whatever stupid reason that we don't agree with, but we need to go, like, oh I don't know, now. So come on and Chance will explain everything to us on the way, so shut your trap for a couple of minutes, and just know that I hate this as much as you, m'kay."

I couldn't believe it. I felt like my jaw was unhinged, from hanging open. Hayden looked as surprised as I did. I'd never seen her do anything like that. I regained my sense, as did Hayden, and bolted to the car.

I wasn't prepared whatsoever to explain, but I knew it had to be done. I needed to get this over with.

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