Chapter Three: Hayden Carpenter

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Hayden Carpenter:

I didn't think my day could possibly get better. I was sitting at home, chillin'. I skipped school, because a couple of my friends and I were gonna go out. Even though it was later, all of us skipped, because we were smart enough to do it without getting caught, and to still get good grades.

I was expecting them around four, an hour after school. I still had an hour, and I planned to use every minute to my laziness. I was doing pretty well, until my doorbell rang. I thought it was my friends, but instead I opened the door to the... pleasant sight of my ex-girlfriend. And her boyfriend along with her. Amelia and Chance. The happiest couple ever. Gag me.

"I don't want to talk to either of you," I growled at them, in anger.

I looked them over, none to pleased. They looked back for a second. Until Amelia snapped.

"Neither do we, trust us. But we need to get on a very important mission, and apparently us three got chosen to be put together for whatever stupid reason that we don't agree with, but we need to go, like, oh I don't know, now. So come on and Chance will explain everything to us on the way, so shut your trap for a couple of minutes, and just know that I hate this as much as you, m'kay."

She really did it. She finally showed her anger, her bad side. She'd never done that, the whole time we dated. While I treated her like trash, and now regretted it. She never did anything like this. I felt terrible, but I wouldn't let it show.

I came back to reality, at the same time as Chance. We ran to the car, not waiting anymore. We drove a little while, but I couldn't handle it anymore.

"So, Mr. I'm-so-handsome, tell us what this is all about so we can get this over with and I don't have to be near you two anymore. Oh, and so I can get back to my wonderful life. That would be awesome," I said and stretched myself out in the back seat.

"My name is Chance, thank you," He said, as if I cared, "and we're on a mission for a government. Trust me, you definitely wouldn't be my first choice, because, well one, your my girlfriend's ex, and we all know how that worked so well, and two, sixteen is the cutoff age, but no, the government wanted us to do this together, whatever they're up to, who knows, but we have to do what they want. And anyway, we're basically on a death mission anyway."

"What do you mean death mission?" Amelia took the question right out of my mouth.

"We're going into the stupid war zone on the coastline across the country, to look for a queen's lost emerald, and it's not like she doesn't have enough anyway," Chance sighed. Could I possibly be hearing him right?

I sat there. I was astonished. I looked out the window and just stared, letting the other two continue the conversation. I knew I was supposed to be listening, but I was lost in my thoughts.

After a while, I couldn't handle it. I was getting hungry, and started whining. Amelia said I sounded like a three year old, but the argument ended when Chance snapped.

We agreed—more like Chance demanded, but whatever—to go to some donut shop in the middle of nowhere. We were on our way out when some strange dude kept blocking our way. I looked at Amelia and Chance, then back at the guy. When he spoke, he sent shivers down my spine.

"You three, shall die on this mission. The government doesn't want you. You were picked. Now, the sooner you die, the better, understood?" Amelia caught his attention somehow. "Ah, yes. Amelia. Beautiful, young, Amelia. I do not know why they chose you, though the two boys have different fates, you might be able to live well."

He disappeared into the air. Amelia and I were completely confused. Chance, however, looked nervous, but like he knew it was coming.

"Come on, we better get on the road," Chance walked towards the car like nothing happened.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you owe us an explanation. You obviously know what that was about. So tell us, we deserve to know," I said.

"I hate to say this, but honestly, Chance, I agree with Hayden for once," Amelia said. Aw, I'm so touched.

"We have to get on the road, we've wasted enough time. It's your turn to drive, now let's go," Hayden chucked the keys at me.

I caught them with ease, but was still mad. I glared at him as I went to the wheel. Amelia and Chance both sat in the back.

After an hour of driving in silence, I looked back to see Amelia asleep on Chance's shoulder, and his arm around her. I was jealous, so I just turned back to the road. I had to keep up my arrogance, but I just didn't know if I could.

"You're lucky, Chance," I said quietly. He looked surprised and we made eye contact in the rearview mirror.

"You called my by my real name," he whispered. He chuckled a humorless laugh. "But, what do you mean?"

"Never let her go," I said simply. "You'll regret it for the longest time."

"But, you cheated," he said in confusion. "You gave her good reason to leave. And you treated her terribly."

"Look, pretty boy," I cut in. "I know what I did and how I acted, but it was the worst decision ever, and you better not do the same, or I will find you."

He laughed, and I felt the need to join in. He gave a true laugh, as did I, even though neither of us knew why.

"It's your fault," he was suddenly series and the moment was over that quick. "I mean was. How dare you treat a girl like this that poorly. And have the guts to cheat? You should be glad she doesn't hate your guts, Hayden."

"But, she does hate me," I humorously laughed. "And I don't blame her. Even though I'm probably the only person she's ever hated."

"She honestly doesn't hate you. She was devastated, and hurt, but she told me herself that she didn't truly hate you, and she never would. I was surprised, but them again, knowing her, well, that's the way she is," He shifted a little, trying not to awake his sleeping beauty. She moved around a little, but still slept.

Chance and I sat in silence for about an hour. It was weird, just us sitting there, looking at the flat land we were driving through.

"You knew what he was talking about, don't you?" I asked him, keeping my eyes glued on the road. I could feel his stare on the back of my head.

"Huh?" he asked in pure confusion.

"The guy in the coat. The creepy one. What was he talking about?" Amelia moved a bit, leaving Chance an excuse to stay quiet for about five minutes.

"Well, yeah," he said, and started explaining.

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