Chapter Seven: Amelia Livingston

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Dedicated this chapter to one of my best friends, love you girl, and please fan her, everybody.(:

Amelia Livingston;

I was seriously messed up. I had no clue what was going on, my head was throbbing, and a man came and made me disappear with him. It all happened so suddenly.

I kept screaming, hoping I had a small chance of somebody hearing me. I felt a warm hand clamp over my mouth softly, but forceful enough I got the point to stop screaming.

"I need to speak with you, and I'm sorry, but this was the only way," A man was suddenly visible. He had his hands slightly raised in surrender and he spoke slowly. "Amelia, right?"

"How do you know my name?" I demanded. This guy was seriously creeping me out.

He was in a formal black suit that looked complete out of place considering he just kidnapped me. His blond hair was buzz cut. He looked at me with eyes that looked so much like Chance's it was scary. The man standing before me was anything but intimidating. Honestly, I probably could've beat him up, but he looked a little desprate, so I would let him at least explain himself.

"I need to tell you something very important, but you can't tell anybody. Especially those two friends of yours," He said locking eyes with me. I could hear the urgency in his voice.

"First, tell me your name," I felt the need to know.

"Jonathan. Jonathan Rocker. My brother is Chance's dad. I was forced out of town shortly after Chance was born. You can't let Chance die, please. If so, I'll feel responsible. I've already been following you most the way. By the way, nice job defeating that giant. Beautiful work. Anyhow, Chance needs to make it back. It's all my fault," The guy messed with his hands, looking guilty. He stared at his feet, not daring to look up at me.

"What do you mean? What happened?" I felt sympathetic. I inched my way forward slowly, placing my hand softly on his arm. "It's okay to tell me, you know."

"I'm Chance's real father," Jonathan moved his head slightly to look at where my hand rested. "I know you've had a lot put on your shoulders in the past half an hour, but it's true. Chance's real mother died giving birth to our son. I was reclassified, so I had to skip town, or be killed, and for Chance's sake, I didn't want that. I gave him to my brother, because his wife had a miscarage, not that anybody but the family knew. I think the reason Chance was put on this mission because the government found out. I don't want him to die. His uncle, legal dad, whatever you want to call him, would blame me, I just know it. Please don't let it happen."

"I won't," I whispered, my eyes misting over. "But why can't Chance know? Why can't you directly tell him?"

"That's a whole nother story we best not be getting into, sorry, dear. One at a time," He checked his watch. "I think I should be getting you back, I'm sorry."

"Fine, but will I see you again?" I asked. My voice was so full of hope Mr. Rocker chuckled a little.

"I'm sure you will. I'll be watching, dear. Do the best you can," He smiled a little and pointed a finger at me.


To say I was happy to be back was a halfway lie. I didn't want to leave Mr. Rocker. I had just met the guy! I also didn't want to see Hayden. He was a little lying, cheating, jerk of a guy.

"Amelia!" Chance ran to me as soon as I reappeared. We crashed into a hug and I practically fell on the ground. Chance repositioned me. "Sorry, I forgot."

"I'm fine, seriously," I mumbled lightly to him.

"What happened? That guy didn't hurt you, did he? You're okay, right? Amelia?" Chance rushed his words out faster then I thought was possible for a guy.

"Nothing happened, I didn't get hurt, and yes, I'm okay. If anything, that guy helped me open my eyes more than ever before," I looked into Chance's eyes. I saw how much he looked like his real father and thought about how insane it was.

"You look... at peace. What exactly did you two talk about?" Chance was looking over me carefully, as if his stare would break my fragial self.

"I'll tell you when you're ready, but you wouldn't understand right now," I kissed his cheek and buried my face into his chest. I felt his chin rest gentally on my head.

"I can wait. Whenever you feel the need to let things out, I'm hear for you, princess," His words tickled the top of my head and I took a quick intake of breath. Since he couldn't see me, he must have took it as if I was crying. "Hey, babe, it's okay."

"I know, it's just a lot in so little time and it's very overwhelming," Chance slipped his right index finger under my chin and tilted my head up slowly until I was looking him in the eye. He kissed me carefully, then a little bit more passionately.

"We'll be okay, got it? We're tough and we'll be in it together all the way. I'm here for you, babe," He kissed me agian.

We both jumped when somebody cleared their throat behind Chance. It was just Hayden. I completely forgot he was even there. He looked at me with intense eyes, but I didn't meet them. I wasn't ready for that.

"We kind of have a mission to get along with, so can't we?" Hayden didn't take his eyes off me, which made me a bit uneasy.

"Always have to ruin it, doesn't he?" Chance huffed quietly, not really talking to anybody inparticular.

I laughed. An honest laugh. Who knew how long it had been since I'd done that. Chance was a little taken aback by the laughter coming from me, but then laughed along with me. Hayden oblivious to what was happening, twisted around headed to a car.

"That what we driving?" I glanced at Chance, my laughing fit ending.

"Yeah, and we really do have to go, sad to say, my love, but Hayden was right about getting along with this thing," Chance took my hand and led me in the direction.

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