Chapter Thirteen: Amelia Livingston

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Amelia Livingston:

Hayden had found the war zone. We were walking fast, but Hayden was still winded so we couldn't run.

"Be quiet, there's a sniper in that lifeguard stand over there," he point quite aways down the beach, there's no way he could see that far.

"Hayden, how do you know that?" Chance was looking at him oddly.

"I-I don't know," Hayden looked just as bewildered as us. "Power maybe? I can detect weapons, I guess."

"Oh, okay that's cool, I guess," Chance whispered, looking very serious. "I can't believe we haven't seen any dead bodies yet."

"I have," Hayden shuttered at the memory of the dead body he saw. "I've seen one."

"What?! Where? Show me now," Hayden demanded.

"Over here," Hayden motioned us to quietly follow. "I felt bad, so I buried him."

"The guy in the dream said he was almost dead, so if we didn't get here fast enough, we need to look at the deceased, too," Chance explained as we quickly walked to the place Hayden buried the body.

Hayden and Chance started digging out the person. I started to help, but they just pushed me back and told me I didn't need to do anything. So I stood there and just watched them.

"This is him," Chance whispered, almost in shock.

"Okay, so what about the emerald? How are we going to find it if he's dead?" Hayden's tone was impatient and rude-just like always.

"Just let me do this, okay? Back away, give me some space," Chance shooed him away as he knelt next to the fallen soldier. Chance sat on his knees for a second, staring at the boy who looked so young, but then finally leaned over and pulled something out from under his shirt. The emerald.


"Amelia," A voice I'd come to recognize well said behind us.

We had just gotten far enough away from the war zone to where we could still hear everything, but we were safe. Chance had the emerald around his neck and we were all so excited to be going home. It had all seemed so simple though, which was odd-nobody would dare mention that small fact.

"Jonathan!" I squealed and spun around, running to him and practically tackling him into a hug. "We did it."

I glanced back at Hayden and Chance, who was looking at his biological father with distaste. I wished I could've told him who this man was and how much he cared for him.

"I know," he smiled. "But-"

"Oh, no," I instantly knew he brought news, good or bad, I wasn't sure.

"The queen's dead, Amelia. And, these two boys aren't supposed to come back. Who knows what'll happen to them when they return alive," Mr. Rocker looked full of sorrow.

"I'm queen. When we return, I'm queen and I get to make the decisions. They can live, you can come back. Everything will be perfect," I started taking him to where his son and my ex stood together, staring.

"Remember to do the right thing," Mr. Rocker smiled at me with big, sad eyes. "You have a long way back. Not only that, but even if you don't want to be, you're the new queen, and you have to do what's right for everyone, not just a few select people, and you can't think of yourself first. No matter what, put everyone else first. I believe in you."

"What do you mean?" I asked, slightly frantic at the way he was talking.

He was gone. He disappeared before answering me or saying goodbye.

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