Chapter 14: An Email

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~Briana's POV~

Once we get back to the dorm, we go our separate ways. I open the door to my room and see Lauren on her laptop. "Hey, what's up?" She asks me, turning her laptop off.

"Well, Tyler and I are going on a picnic for dinner.. Other then that, Tyler convinced me to make a youtube, and I was about to record some Minecraft. Want to join me?" Lauren nods her head excitedly.

I walk over to my computer and realize I don't have a microphone... Just then Tyler runs into our room. "BRIANA! I forgot to give you this." Tyler walks over to me and hands me just what I need... A microphone. Actually, he gave me two, one for Lauren.

"Thanks Tyler!" I hug him and run over my computer to set it up. "Do you know how to set it up?" Tyler asks walking behind me. "Ummm... No..." I admit handing him the microphone.

Once he sets it up he exits the room and I open Minecraft. "What do you want to play?" I look over at Lauren to see her looking at screen, confused. I stand up and walk over. She's reading an email. Lauren turns to look at me, tears streaming down her face. "Lauren... what's up?" I asks her as she leans her head on my shoulder. "M-m.." She tries to speak but can't. I look at her screen to read the email.

Dear Miss Lauren Muir;

We hate to inform you that today, September 11, 2014, your parents, Margaret and William, along with your brother, Ross died in a car crash today. They were driving along the highway when a car crash into them sideways. The driver of the other car, was also killed. He was later identified as Christopher Delegard. We are sorry for your loss. Your family's funeral will be Saturday at Noon.

-The Ontario Provincial Police

Oh no. My brother, my psycho brother, killed Lauren's family. At least he's dead now. He'll never harm, or try to harm, anyone again. Though I will miss him; just a little.  "Look Lauren, I'm sorry. I truly am!  I feel like this is my fault..."

"No! Briana, why would this be your fault? It-It's not your fault your brother is a- a psychopath!" Lauren lets out a weak laugh. I'm not going to be able to comfort her. I stand up and walk out the door. I go next door and pound on Mitch and Tyler's door. While I'm waiting a tear silently escape my eye, and runs down my face. He's dead. Chris is actually gone. Tyler opens the door as more tears start to fall. "Briana!" Tyler immediately embrace me in a hug. "What happened? What's the matter?" I take a deep breath before speaking. "Come... to our dorm. And br-bring Mitch." Tyler nods his head and runs to get Mitch. I walk back over to our dorm with them and as soon as Mitch, sees Lauren he runs over. "Read the screen." I tell them as I gain control of my emotions. I need to be strong for Lauren.

Once they finish, Mitch hugs Lauren harder, and Tyler looks at me with shock. "Tyler, remember when I told you that my brother tried to kill me?" Tyler looks at me confused, but nods his head. "He was the person who... Well, you know." I say gesturing toward Lauren. "Oh... Briana, I'm sorry!" I walk over to Tyler and sit next to him on my bed. I rest my head on his shoulder and drift to sleep.

Hey doods!

I updated! ARE YOU PROUD OF ME MOM? Probably not, but I know Lauren is! She's the one who convinced me to get off my lazy butt and write a chapter.

Ahhhhh 300 reads! That you doods sooooo much! <33

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Later doods


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