Chapter 3: Truth or Dare

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~Briana's POV~

"Well I say we all get to know each other better by playing truth or dare!" I say sitting on Tyler's bed, hope he doesn't mind...

Everyone agrees and Mitch and Lauren sit on Mitch's bed, and Tyler sit next to me, which I don't mind!

"I will go first! Lauren, truth or dare?" Mitch asks her. "Hmm...Truth!"

"Aww, you're no fun! Umm... Longest relationship?" Lauren stops and thinks. "Three months, I caught him cheating on me..."

"Oh! I remember that, you were bawling for a whole week!" I yell.

"Anyways, Briana, truth or dare?" I say dare, hoping it isn't too bad. "I dare you to... Lick the cheek of the hottest boy in the room!" I give her a death glare, and see that both Mitch and Tyler are looking at me. I sigh, turn my head and licked Tyler.

~Tyler's POV~

Wait... What? She licked me? Whenever someone chooses between Mitch and I they always choose Mitch! I could actually stand a chance with her? I didn't even think she liked me! If anything, she avoids looking at me. Wait...

"Tyler! Truth or dare?" I really don't want to kiss or lick anyone, so... "Truth!"

~Lauren's POV~

The rest of the game went by without much drama. I had to shove ice down my shirt, but it wasn't that bad. Once we decided we were done playing, we decided to head out for dinner. Nowhere fancy, just a burger place...

We all hop into Mitch's convertible. Throughout the ride we "tried" to sing along with the songs on the radio.

We park and walk inside. I get a California burger, and so does Mitch.

~Mitch's POV~

Lauren got a California burger, I decided to get one too. As we walked to our booth I brushed our hands against each other. Sorry I'm not sorry.

Throughout dinner I kept stealing glances at her, though, I'm not sure if she was returning the favor...

Hey doods! Sorry for the short chapter. :/

It's how I wrote it, so I had to keep it! I hope you enjoyed the chapter none-the-less, and if you did, be sure to:




It really would mean a lot!

New chapter might come later today. I don't know yet.

Later doods!


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