you don't know

31 2 17

I feel pain,
It's horrible the feeling
Nobody understands

No matter,
How I scream about it
You will never see,
Will never understand

I say,
What's in my mind
And you say,
That people had it worse

I am pessimistic,
So negative about things
I feel stupid,
You make me feel stupid

You say,
You care that you're here
But you ain't,
No one cares

I am just,
One person
I ain't important,
Not to life or anything

I speak of these,
These thoughts in my head
All you do,
Is say I need to stop

I can't
You started it,
Not me you just don't care

No one does,
And I need help
But you say I don't,
As I need to do it myself

But I can't,
And nothing you say,
Will get through to me

It's these thoughts,
Though you don't understand
So why should I say,
When you won't listen

My heart is open,
Bare for all to see
Though you don't,
You don't see



poetry From My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now