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And I need you now too night,
And I need you more than ever!
And if you only hold me tight, we'll be holding forever-

    "Gah! Grandma! Help!" The blue troll screamed. "Branch! Hold on, I'll get you!" The elderly troll said No, no, please no! The purple troll tried to get him but it was to late. "Grandma!" That was the last thing she heard before he was gone. Her grandson was the last thing she had until he slipped away.

     But the little boy wouldn't let him self get eaten, he tried to wiggle free but the bergans clutch was to strong. He was take to a kitchen. There where spoons, forks, spatulas, but what caught the little boys eyes was knife that would soon go through his skin. When the boy thought he was going into the trolls pot, he was surprised when he was taken to a little desk that had a cage on it. The Bergen put the troll into the cage. "Hm... You look different from the other blue trolls that I have seen." Her breath blew onto his face, giving him shivers down his spine. "Unless... No that would be impossible." She got up a nd walked towards a shelf that had many cook books, but she took out a book that look really old, maybe even older than the troll tree. She flipped through a couple of pages until she heard one of the cooks call her name. "Uh... Chef, what do I do with these trolls again?" " Where else do you think you put them?!" "I don't know, the cabinets?" "No you put them in the- oh you know what let me show you! Don't even think about escaping you little brat." She sneered the last parts. And when stepped out side of her office, the troll slipped through the bars and crawled through a small crack that lead to the inside castle walls. The height of the pillars made him feel queasy, but this has the only way out of the castle.

       So he started to jump from one pillar to the other until he was close to the bottom. But when he thought he was going to get to the troll tree, a foot blocked his path, "And where do you think YOUR going?" He fell backwards landing on his bum, the bergan tried to reach down to grab him until he whipped her on the nose. He started to run the other direction hoping that he would me able to escape. Come on, almost there! But them he tripped on a small rock, making him lose balance. The bergan cranes him, but the boy bit her thumb and then she threw him across the cobble street. He than fell through a hole, leading him to a dark forest until he banged his head on a rock, turning the world black.

So I finally managed to make the prologue, I hope you liked it!

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