Chapter 12- hide & seek

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Poppy POV:

I was walking through the forest that had beautiful flowers on it, the air was nice and fresh with birds in the sky. Nothing crazy was happening, Branch was playing with the kids. I sat underneath a tree with smooth bark. I started to dose off a bit, letting my imagination wonder, it was nice and peaceful. In the distance, I could hear critters scurry on the forest floor.

"Hey, pwincess poppy!"

I turned my head to see one of the kids right next to me.

"Oh hi Lucy, is there something that you need?"
"I'm playing hide and seek with branch. Can hide here?"
"Sure, I don't mind."
"Don't tell branch in here!"

She climbed up into the tree and used her hair to hide in the tree. She was getting better at using her hair as a disguise. I went back to my imagination until I heard branch come out from the bushes.

"Oh hey branch! What are you doing?"

I already knew why he was out here but I like playing along.


I guess that's Lucy's nickname. He was waving his hands in different ways. Try to ask me if I had seen Lucy any where.

"I don't know where Lucy is."

Branch wasn't buying it. I guess he knew I was lying, which is true. I'm not the best at lying and literally the entire village knows that. I tried not to look up but I did, and after I did that, Branch looked strait up and immediately climbed right where Lucy is. Lucy was giggling when branch found her. I was surprised when branch found her so quickly, but I did give it away. They both came down safely, Lucy was in his back still giggling.

"That was fun! Let's go find the others! Bye poppy!"

They both started to walk away into the forest. Branch is really good with kids. He would make a great father.

"So poppy, how are doing, letting a animal getting so close to the children?"

I turned my head to see creek. I was surprised to hear creek say something like that, it was weird of him to say that. His calm voice made me shudder for some reason.

"Oh, h-hey creek! When did you get here?"
"A while ago."
"Oh, well, I didn't notice you, why would you call branch a animal? His a troll."
"A troll that lived in the forest for almost its entire life."
"So? How does that make him an animal?"
"He ate a deer without hesitation."
"Ya he ate animals, but he started eating cooked meat! Isn't that better than raw meat?"
"Ya, but you never know when he is hungry for raw meat again, and it might not be the wild animals that are in the forest."
"Trolls aren't cannibals, and I don't think he would even try to hurt anyone."

He seemed to be a little stressed about my opinions, he calmed himself than spoke.

"Poppy, I'm not trying to make you get rid of him, I know he makes you really happy, I'm just saying this 'cause I'm afraid that you might get hurt. Not on purpose, but accidentally. You know? And if you get hurt by accident, the village might think it was on purpose. They might start saying that he is to dangerous and would want him out of the village."

What he said did make sense, if I got hurt by accident, they might blame branch for it and would want him out of the village. But I don't think that's the real reason why he came here. But he does seem concerned about what would happen. Should I really believe him? I don't think I should.

"What you said did seem bad but, I'm gonna say that won't happen."
" 'cause, I know branch wouldn't do that. He still is troll and he seems to know that!"
"But how can you be-"
"Don't worry creek, Branch is a good troll, he wouldn't hurt me! Never in a million years."

He was silent for a short while until he said.

"....... Your right, Branch would never do such a thing, he is a good troll. I guess I'm just worrying for something that would never happen."
"Ya! I'm gonna go and do some work okay? Bye!"

Creek POV

After she left, my smile fell into a straight emotionless expression. She does realise the risks there are after branch becomes a full member to the village, Branch could snap at any moment and attack. Poppy is so stubborn, ever since the beast came to the village she has hardly talked me. Did she forget that I exist?! She probably has, I know I am jealous 'cause she is in love with that thing but surprisingly she hasn't figured it out. How does she know that branch would never attack anyone?! Something flew threw my brain while I was thinking. Wait.... She only said her, I asume she also ment everyone else, Branch meet everyone except..... A idea started to form in my head.

"Huh, I hate to be the bad guy, but I guess.... I'll be it. What's the point of a fairytale with out its evil being?" I started to head towards my pod. But how am I going to do it without him being with poppy? Looked at my hair than my plan was complete.

"Breaking hearts was never my intentions.... Oh well!"

:3 derp

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