Chapter 3

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It was now dinner time for the hybrids of the house, as my mother liked to say.

When Jake was here, she and my father liked to show off their cooking skills. They make enough food for like a family of six, but with Jake here, nothing goes to waste.

Today some of my favorite dishes were on the menu, mostly Italian, I'm sure with some purpose. My parents have been trying to get me to eat for days now but I'm simply just not as hungry as I used to be.

I overheard my father talking to my grandfather about it on the phone, and he seems to think it's because I'm almost to my mature age. That made me very happy. I'm tired of being measured all the time.

Jake and I gulped down our pasta while it was still hot. My mother served us another dish, this time it was authentic pizza.

The one that didn't even look like pizza, the flat bread and all.

Jake made a face. "What's wrong with plain ole Dominoes nowadays?"

My mother rolled her eyes. "I think we're a little too far from the nearest fast food pizza. Plus, this is healthier. And better. Eat."

She set the pizza in between us, pridefully. I knew she had gotten the recipe from Food Network. It was one of my parents' favorite channels.

"Mom, we should go to Italy one day. I'd eat all day if I were there." I took a big bite out of my pizza.

"We could go this summer if you'd like. An early birthday gift and family trip. South Italy is very nice.

We could rent a small island" My father said while scrubbing some dishes carefully.

He knew the Volturi were located in northern Italy and did not want to risk the unpleasantry of running into any of them.

"No dad, I want my Senior trip this summer. Italy can wait." I stuck my nose in the air.

He shook his head, "I thought we already discussed this."

"What Senior trip? You're a Senior, Nessie?" Jake asked with his mouth full of pizza. He swallowed and gulped down some water.

"Nope. But I covered the senior curriculum ages ago. I'm in desperate need of a vacation." My hand flew to my head dramatically. "Don't you agree, Jake?" I pressed.

"I mean it wouldn't hurt for you to see the sun every once in a while. I'm sure being half vampire doesn't excuse you from still needing your vitamins. Vitamin D, for example." Jake muttered.

"We get it, I'm pale." I said in a bored tone. I turned to my parents. "See, even Jake agrees with me. I need a vacation."

"Why must you be so stubborn, Nessie." My father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why must you be so closed minded, Dad." I shot back.

"Nessie wants to go to South America alone this summer." My father said directly to Jake, answering an unsaid question.

Jake choked. "What?"

"If you put it like that, it sounds irresponsible and not reasonable at all," I defended myself and stabbed my fork into my salad.

"That's probably because it is." My father shot, and turned to my mother. "Bella, I need reinforcement."

I gave my mother a pleading look.

"Well, I don't think it's such a bad idea." My mother responded sheepishly.

"What?" Jacob not only spoke this word, but also my father, together in unison. We all looked at my mother. I wanted to kiss her and give her all my gratitude for taking my side.

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