Chapter Four

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Darling one, it is time. Time to remember you really are.

Today is the first day of your angel training. Although it will feel like learning, you need not learn but remember, for this wisdom is written in the data of your DNA. We are not here to teach you. We are here to help you remove the veils of forgetfulness that you created in order to incarnate on Earth.

There is a mission. You signed up. There are, of course, dangers, but the power of your light is unsurpassed in the angel world and there is no reason to believe you will not succeed on Earth. We stand in awe of your courage and tenacity, but it is your free-spirited imagination and untrammelled access to beauty and joy which will see you through to your eventual triumph.

Details of this mission are forthcoming on a need-to-know basis.

We are sending helpers. Look for them.

We are leaving clues. Be curious.

Open to the world with wonder. Everyone you meet has something for you. Be awake to their message and don’t be confused by their fear. They only exist to help you.

Remember this - every thing that happens to you from now on is an opportunity to heal. In your own healing, you will heal the world.

Listen for the love, for in the language of love you will hear our voiceless voice.

Fall deeply in love.

Say yes to life.

Open fully.


And be happy! Enjoy this game, for you have already won. You are already One.

You know this to your marrow, sweet Jojo, for you are no ordinary angel. In this first of five missives, we can reveal to you that you are Archangel Jofiel, angel of beauty, and director of 53 legions of angels, all of who are at your disposal now, and many of them who have incarnated into a body to help you directly.

Their help may not be immediately recognisable through your human eyes. They may, in fact, appear to be blocking you. Forgiveness is key. Unconditional love is your calling card. Be open to the possibility that everyone is your ally and savior, even your enemies.

We tell you this with infinite and abundant gratitude for everything that you are and all that you will appear to become.

Let us begin...

I sat back in my chair and blinked. That was the craziest thing! What did I just write? It’d make a great start to a short story. Maybe I should save it and see if I can use it as a creative writing piece for school?

Was a bit weird though. Felt like I didn’t really have a choice to write it. Like it had to come out. I was feeling totally normal when I was typing it, but as soon as I stopped, there was this sense that something else had stepped in and written it for me. Through me. Not sure.

Oh. I had a horrifying thought - Aww man, don't tell me Mom's stupid angels are talking to me!? Sheesh kebab!

Nah. I don’t think so. Maybe? Hmmm.

Anyway, it didn't feel so bad. I kinda liked it. The words made me feel sorta cool. I like the idea of being an undercover angel. Commando agent for the light side, Jojo’s the name, guerilla lovefare’s the game, hehehe! Oh man, I could see my avatar now! Maybe I could draw one up on the weekend. Like, an anime style superhero drawing of me with a cape and everything! And a halo! That shoots love laserbeams! Omg!! I love it!!

I read the words a few more times. I didn’t really understand them. And I had no idea what ‘untrammelled’ meant. Strange. Cool, but strange.

I stared at it for a while longer. I didn’t know what to make of it. Impulsively, I pressed 'control, A' and then 'delete'.

Eh, I'd had enough weirdness for one day.


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