Chapter 2

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Waves-that’s what it felt like he was riding on. Aaron’s body kept on shaking back and forth although it remained on solid ground. His eyes were closed and the sun felt all to hot on his skin. There was shouting in the distance but he couldn’t tell from what direction or from whom it was from.

He tried to open his heavy eyes except they seemed to be glued shut. The lids of his eyes felt as if they were iron, and the muscles of his eyes were not strong enough to lift them. With the voice seeming to be getting closer, he could tell now that it was the voice of a male. The male was shouting at something, but he couldn’t see what.  

Aaron’s eyes fluttered open slightly but then closed again right after. He groaned slightly in frustration- it should not take this long for someone to open their eyes. The voice was directly in front on him now and the shaking, if possible, got even worse.  It was so bad that one might have thought that he had endured a mini earthquake. And what the hell is with all of these voices all of a sudden?!?

“Yo, dude, wake up already!” the voice shouted at Aaron in a slightly stressed tone.  As if on command, his eyes shot wide open, revealing the owner of the voice and his current surroundings.  He was still on the top of the staircase except he was lying down on the cement with the guy who was shouting bending over him. The sky was now clouded over, signalling the short arrival of a thunderstorm.

“Morning sleepyhead” he joked. “Did you have a nice nap on the cold ground? You must have since I couldn’t wake you up for like, per say...five minutes?”  Aaron looked up at the guy slowly, his head spinning. The guy had pale skin with bleached blonde hair and jade coloured eyes. He wore a white hoodie with blue stripes over a forest green t-shirt and black jeans. His hood was currently up and a part of his hair covered his right eye. Aaron tried to sit up, but failed miserably.

“Wow, wow now” the guy muttered as he helped Aaron into a sitting position. “You must have suffered some pretty good blows there. You’re all scratched up, and you look like a train wreck. The name’s Ethan by the way.”  Aaron looked himself over to see if Ethan was lying or not. He wasn’t. He was covered in bruises and a few dark red cuts practically from head to toe.  His head was pounding as well, all contributing to him feeling incredibly weak.

“What the hell happened...?” Aaron groaned. All he remembered before blacking out was that he was standing up looking out at the scenery from the top of the steps coming into the school. Following that, a huge pain raged throughout his body. Then there was that voice in a white room, but that was only a dream, wasn’t it?

“Well...I don’t really know to be honest”, Ethan pondered. “But when I saw you, you were writhing on the ground. It looked as if you were slowly getting strangled or something by an invisible force. You were moving around so much that it’s no wonder you got some of the scrapes and bruises you’ve acquired there.  Although, it didn’t look like all of those were fresh...that’s not my business though.”

Aaron contemplated telling him about the dream like experience, wondering if he could trust him. Figuring that he had nothing to lose, he told him. Ethan listened intently, nodding here and there and urging Aaron to continue. He threw in a couple questions about the whole event during the time Aaron spoke before finally falling silent after he was finished in deep thought.

“What I think you just experienced was a vision” he spoke slowly after a while. “Visions can come at any time, so when you have them is completely random. As you know, visions tell us how things would be like in the future and what we need to do if we want to achieve our objectives-if we have any. They can often cause major headaches, lack of sleep, etcetera. The fact that there was a voice though telling you that they might eventually reveal themselves to you and the demon...perhaps you had some sort of apparitional experience.”

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