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Hey everyone! So...this is my first story on Wattpad. Please tell me what you think of it! Comment & Votes & Fans much appreciated. Thanks!~


Running—that was all he could do, all he could think of. He was outnumbered, ten hooded figures against only him. He wasn’t strong enough to take them on. They swarmed after him down the cobbled stoned path with their knives shining through the darkness of the night.

The rain that poured down on him was like little sharp needles that stabbed at him as he kept running from the horrors that were behind him. His soaked jet black hair covered parts of his crystal brown eyes, making it harder for him to see. He ran as fast as he could, but it was futile. His foot caught on one of the slippery stones and he fell face first onto the ground.

His cheek oozed blood from where it slammed into the jutting rocks, and his foot screamed in pain as he tried to scramble up and run away. The hooded figures circled around slowly, their weapons raised for attack. It was all over now.

 “Aaron...” his name rolled off of their tongues in a sickening chant, their voices not human.  They enclosed off any space left for escape, and stepped towards him.  Aaron gazed at one of the figures in front of him, a scream caught in the back of his throat.  In the knife staring back at him was a single red eye. 

“Time to die, Aaron...”


Sweat covered him from head to toe as Aaron jolted up from his bed, eyes wide and shaking in terror. He drew ragged breaths, trying to force himself to calm down.  This was the fifteenth time in a row now that he’s had nightmares. They came upon him like the plague, and were downright horrifying.

 What do these dreams mean? They're eating me alive...he thought solemnly as he looked at his quivering hands that gripped his bed sheets in a death hold. Sighing, he threw off his bed sheets and made his way over to the mirror on his dresser. He looked at himself—staring back at him was a tall, shirtless, ghostly pale boy, covered with scars on his arms.

He was an outcast. No one seemed to like him, and if someone was his friend they would only pretend to be, or leave him entirely for no reason at all, which left him torn apart. Cutting, along with writing, was the only ways he could think of to deal with all of the pain. No one seemed to understand him, nor did anyone seem to care.  It was him against the world, and in the end he was the one that was going to die no matter how hard he tried. He had no idea why he was still alive, he just was. He was chained to this world of pain, never being able to escape its sinewy grasp on him.  A play toy of the gods, that’s all that he seemed to be.

After mopping up the sweat clinging to his slim frame, Aaron grabbed some clothes from his dresser and changed into a pair of black ripped jeans and a gray t-shirt. The recent scars on his arms were still highlighted in a dull crimson, showing the deed done to the world. They were clearly visible to everyone around him, but there was no sense of hiding them—everyone already knew he cut anyways.  After getting what he needed packed for school, he made his way to his bedroom table to get his personal notebook. It was already turned to a poem he had written a couple days before.

Trapped In Isolation

Time keeps on passing but this reality still stays the same

I’m trapped in the realm of desolation

Where every move results in a form of strangulation

And pain is a dark inextinguishable flame

I keep wondering if anyone will stop and set me free

But the chains of fate are still preventing my release

And the pains from them will not cease

Until somebody hears my hearts plea

Change is the only way now that will make me feel alive

And it’s the only thing that will break the cycle of sorrow and lies

They say that new beginnings come upon the opening skies

But I don’t know how much longer I can survive

All Aaron wanted was change, except that change was something that never seemed to come.  Day after day, everything still remained the same.  He thought that change for him was something that was inexistent. However, little did he know that change was coming to him in full force, recreating his whole life in the process, for better or for worse.

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