Dinner and a Show

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"But.." I said after we started at each other for a while.

"Yes, love? What is it?"

"I kinda thought you'd wanna stay secret."

"Now why would I wanna do that with a girl and beautiful as you?"

I blushed and looked at my feet. I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks whenever I did.

"I dunno. I'm just not...worthy."

"Marina! Don't you ever," he grabbed my chin and pulled it to make me look up at him, "ever think that."


"I love you."

"I love you too, Gordon."

• • • • • •

Next day at the Trois Mec

"Hello, welcome to Trois Mec. How many in your party?"
Rhiana was doing much better at seating people with the help of Larry, Ricardo and the two new girls waiting in guests. Gordon decided to play customer again and ordered a meal to see how we improved. He later came in the back to tell Michael, the new guy Ashe, and I how we were doing.
"I think, you all are doing a fantastic job!"
"Thank you."
"Thanks Chef Ramsay!"
"Thank you very much, Gordon," I smiled at him.
"You're welcome. All of you."
• • •
Restaurant closing

"So everybody, I'm gonna leave you be but I'll be back in six months to check up on you," Gordon said.
"Are you...going back?"
"No. I'm staying right here in the big city with my lovely Marina."
"Aww that's sweet," Rhiana looked up at Ricardo and took his hand.
After Gordon went to pick up some things he had shipped over, I walked up to Rhiana who was checking her phone, alone.
"Where's Mr. Hubby?"
"Haha outside talking to Michael."
"Ya know, I thought you're motto was always profession before pleasure.."
"Ha! Speak for yourself."
"Touché. Well I'm going to head home and cook dinner for Gordon and I. Oh, would you and Ricardo like to join?"
"Nah it's fine. We're gonna do some cookin' of our own if ya know what I mean," she said wriggling her eyebrows.
"Gross. Okay, use protection you lovebirds."
"Will do!" she yelled walking out.
I shook my head and grabbed my keys and went home. I changed into a beautiful mid-thigh, strapless, red dress for celebration and tied on an apron. I got to work deciding to cook chicken pasta and salad with some excellent wine. I had set the table and by the time Gordon came back I was done cooking. He looked from me to the table and back again.
"What are we? A married couple?"
Pain hit me. And he could see it on my face.
"Marina, I-I'm sorry it's just...my ex, she was there and she started a big argument in front of everybody over how she loves me more than you ever could and how she can't move on from me and...ugh," he said rubbing his temples.
"You don't agree with that, do you?"
"Not at all!! In so sorry for dumping this all on you."
It's okay, Gordon. I understand."
"She's fucked up in the head."
"I think, we're all fucked up in the head. Just some of us more than others."
Gordon sighed.
"Hey let's eat and forget about all of this."
"Yeah. Sounds good, love."
We sat down at the table and ate the meal I cooked.
"Babe this is delicious!" Gordon said with a mouth full of food.
"Hahha! I'm glad you think so!"
"I'm glad you're a chef! It's so exciting to be dating another terrific chef!"
"Same goes for me!!"
We finished the food and walked up the stairs to our shared bed.
"You look great by the way."
"Thank you, Gordon. But I think I should change out of this dress."
"Aw fine."
I started to take off my dress but then I remembered...
"Are you GOING to watch me get undressed?" I laughed.
"I was planning on it, yes," he smiled.
"Turn around."
As soon as I made sure he was turned around, I changed as quickly as I possibly could. I crawled into bed next to Gordon and pulled him down to sleep next to me. I turned on my side and Gordon wrapped a strong arm around my waist. I drifted to sleep to the sound of him humming "Old Man" by Neil Young.

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