Open Your Eyes and See What I See

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Chapter told in 3rd person


"Marina had a near death experience. We are very lucky she is still with us," the doctor explained to Gordon.
"This is all my fault," Gordon thought to himself.
"Oh I've seen that look many of times. Mr. Ramsay please keep in mind that there was nothing you could do to stop what happened," the doctor tries to comfort Gordon.
"If I would not have..," he started to cry, "..gone to her work.-"
"Mr. Ramsay, you had no idea this would happen!"
Gordon dropped his head and asked if he could see her.
"Of course."
The doctor led Gordon to Marina's room where she was resting. Gordon walked in and fell to his knees. Marina was in a hospital gown with tubes up her nose and a mask covering her mouth. In other words, she was having a hard time breathing. She had needles attached to her in both forearms. She looked like a mess...thanks to him, he thought.
Gordon sat in the chair next to her bed and took her hand in his.
"Marina," he started, crying, "please. I am so sorry for yelling at you. I should've listened to your story. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. Please, please don't leave me. I couldn't handle life without you. I.. I love you," he whispered, choked up.
"I love you too."
Gordon's head shot up to see a blurry Marina with a faint smile on her face looking down at Gordon.
"MARINA!!" Gordon cried.
He stood up fast and hugged her body only to hear her wince in pain.
"Oh, love. Oh, I'm so sorry! This is all my fault!"
"Gordon," Marina warned.
"Oh how I should have let you explai-"
"Yes, love?"
"Shut up."
Gordon chuckled at his beloved's sassiness.
"I'll be right back," he told her.
Gordon walked up to the front desk and asked the woman to speak to the doctor.
"Dr. Schmidt, please come to the front desk. Dr. Schmidt please come to the front desk," the intercom boomed.
Soon enough the doctor was walking with Gordon down the hall, talking.
"So Mr. Ramsay what did you want to speak with me about?" the doctor asked.
"Oh um, my love, Marina, woke up and I want to know when I could take her home," Gordon said hopefully.
"Oh really?"
"Yes, sir. She is fully recovered and should stop hurting in 2-3 hours tops."
"Thank you so much doctor!!" Gordon shook the doctor's hand.
"Merry Christmas, Mr. Ramsay," the doctor said smiling.
Oh that's right! It's almost Christmas!
"And same to you," Gordon replied.
Gordon walked into Marina's hospital room and helped her sit up.
He then took her hand and smiled, "Let's go home."

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