Love Me Forever

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Chapter told in Marina's POV

Let's go home," Gordon said calmly and helped me off of the hospital bed.
"Alright. I'm gonna go get changed," I told him.
"Okay, love. Be careful," he warned.
I went into the bathroom and took off my hospital gown. I stood in front of the mirror and just stared at myself. I got hit by a car and I looked the part. I had bruises on my skin but they didn't hurt anymore. Even when I punch them. I had scratches on my face from gravel and my elbows were skinned. I had black circles under my eyes. God was I tired. I look revolting. I found my clothes that Gordon brought me yesterday and fixed my hair the best I could.
I walked out, "Alright, babe. I'm ready to go home," I smiled.
"Come on, gorgeous," he grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.
"Goodbye," Gordon waved to the doctor and nurses, "thank you."
"Ms. Catipondi!" the doctor called.
"Yes, Doctor?" I answered.
"Stay safe."
"I will. I learned my lesson."
"Me too," Gordon chimed in.
He walked me to his hummer and opened the door for me.
"Thank you."
He jogged around to the drivers side and started the car.
Once we started heading home Gordon spoke up, "Um, love?"
"Yeah, Gordon?"
"I really AM sorry," he apologized..again.
"Gordon, it's okay. You got mad, you got jealous, I understand."
"No. See, I had no reason to call you those names or scream. I love you, Marina. I don't.." Gordon wiped a tear from his cheek, "...I don't want to lose you."
I gripped his hand tightly, "And you won't."
Gordon looked over at me and we smiled at each other.
"You look beautiful by the way," he complimented.
I let go of his hand and played with my hair, "Oh, no. I just got out of the hospital. I look anything but beautiful."
"You're beautiful no matter what. No matter if it is 3AM or 10PM of whatever. My princess is beautiful. No matter what."
"Aw. Thank you, Gordon. I love you so much."
"I'll love you forever, I'll love you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be," Gordon quoted the only book that's ever mad me cry, "So love me forever too?"
"Of course, Gordon. Forever and always."
I reached into my pocket because something was poking my thigh. I fished the piece of paper out and smiled at it.
"What is it?" Gordon tried to look at it.
I held up his card he gave me the first time he came to my house.
"Haha," I laughed, "guess I won't be needing this."
"Hehhe," Gordon laughed.
I have the real thing right next to me. And I couldn't ask for anything more.

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