Just Desserts

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I led the way to Umbitch's office, and knocked on the door. It took her a moment to open it, in a pink fluffy dressing gown and pink nightcap. God and I thought her fashion sense couldn't get worse.

"Miss Malfoy. Come to finish your detention?" Then she noticed Fudge behind me. "Oh Minister, so glad you're here. You see, Miss Malfoy was being incredibly rude in class and walked out of her detention. I think her privileges should be revoked, as well as Mr Potter."

She was smiling, ooh this was gonna be good. "Delores Umbridge, you are hereby under arrest for the torture of children using a banned dark artefact, a blood quill. You are entitled to a trial, but for the mean time will be residing In Azkaban."

"Excuse me? This is absolutely preposterous! You're going to believe the word of a delusional child over me?!" Kingsley grabbed her and Tonk went through to her office. "Miss Malfoy has shown us her scars inflicted by you and the memory of the detention. As I'm sure you are aware, blood quills are illegal, especially when used on children."

"I can't seem to find it Minister!" said Tonks.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes slightly at Tonks. "Accio Blood Quill." The quill zoomed straight to my hand.

"Oh yeah." Tonks gave me a sheepish smile.

Kingsley and Tonks took Umbridge away back to the ministry.

"Thank you Miss Malfoy for bringing this to my attention. Now, would you and other students be willing to testify at her trial?"

I nodded, smirking. "It would be my pleasure Minister."

He walked off and Dumbledore turned to me. "Well, Miss Malfoy, I do believe we will have to do something never done before at Hogwarts."

"What's that Headmaster?" I tilted my head, confused.

"Award you your 2nd Special Services To The School award. For stopping the torture of students. Now, you best be off to bed, I'm sure Mr Potter will be worried." He had a twinkle in his eye as he spoke.

I nodded. "Yes sir." I walked back to my common room to tell everyone the good news. When I walked in, the whole of Gryffindor went silent.

Harry ran up to me. "What happened?"

"Fellow students, Delores Umbridge has been found guilty of torturing students and being in possession of an illegal dark object. She is going to Azkaban as we speak." Everyone cheered and Harry grabbed my face. "You are unbelievable." Then we made out, with the Weasley twins wolf-whistling in the background.

I broke off the kiss and turned back to everyone. "Dumbledore will announce the news at breakfast tomorrow."

I sat down at the Gryffindor table, holding hands with Harry. "Attention students! As I'm sure many of you have noticed, Professor Umbridge is no longer with us. I'm sure you will find out why when you read the newspaper but it is all thanks to one student. One student who had the courage to stand up for themselves and their peers. Which is why I would like to give this Special Services to the School award to Ivy Malfoy!" Everyone clapped for me and I stood up and smiled at them.

"And to fill the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher temporarily is the real Alastor Moody!" Shouted Dumbledore as Moody walked in. "Enjoy your breakfast."

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