Defense Against The Dark Arts

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It was Ivy's second day of school, and she sadly had DADA first. Usually this was one of her favourite classes, but Umbitch would probably change that. Ron's sister Ginny had her the previous day and was not very happy.

She walked into the room and sat next to Harry before Ron could get in. "Wands away." The Ugly Woman said as she walked in, interrupting our fun. "Good Morning Children." She walked towards the chalk board, pointing her wand at it. "Ordinary Wizarding Level examinations. O W Ls. More commonly known as Owls. Study hard and you will be rewarded, fail to do so, and the consequences may be severe."

I droned her out until Hermione said something. "There's nothing in here about using defensive spells."

She laughed an ugly, high pitch laugh. "Using defensive spells? Well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

"Were not gonna use magic?" Ron said.

"We will be learning defensive spells in a safe and risk free way."

"What use is that if we're gonna be attacked? If we're gonna be attacked it won't be risk free. " Harry asked her.

"Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class. It is the view of the ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations which Is what school is about."

"How is theory supposed to prepare us for what is out there?"

"There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine would want to attack children like yourselves?"

"Oh I dunno maybe, Lord Voldemort!" Harry was angry so put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. Umbitch had a tight and nervous smile. "You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large. This is a lie."

Harry stood up. "No it isn't! I saw him! I fought him!"

"Detention Mr Potter!"

"So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?!"

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

OK now I was really angry. Harry was about to say something but instead I put my hand up.

"Yes, a question, Miss?"

I had a smug smile on my face. "Malfoy. So Professor, if I have your opinion correct, you believe we don't need defensive spells because no one would attack us?"

"That is correct Miss Malfoy, I am so glad you share my point of view."

"No, you see, the thing is Professor Umbridge, say Voldemort wasn't back, which is what you say. There have been Dark Lords before him and I expect there will be Dark Lords after him. Not to mention that Voldemort isn't the only threat. Oh get over the name!" I shouted at everyone who had gasped. "As I was saying, there are still predators, and rapists out on the streets who would be likely to attack myself or any of the other young women or even boys in this classroom. And I don't know about you but if I was going to be raped, I would like to know some spells to ward off my attacker. Especially since sex trafficking is at an all time high. What would you say to that, Professor? Because there are more threats other than just Voldemort. Especially since, as you pointed out earlier, our defence teacher last year was a disguised criminal who could have attacked us at any moment. And if that had happened and we all learned the way the ministry says, we would all be dead because we wouldn't have know how to defend ourselves."

Harry clapped for me and everyone else joined in. "Enough! Detention Miss Malfoy." I shrugged and the lesson ended.

"That was absolutely brilliant Ivy!"

Everyone came up to me after class and congratulated me on standing up to Umbitch. The rest of the day continued as normal and I went to the Owlery to send off a letter. Then, detention rolled around and Harry and I headed off to Professor Umbridge's office.

We walked in and it was even worse than I had imagined. It was pink, seriously is this woman colour blind and can only see pink? And there were kittens on plates on the walls. Yeah OK then. We sat down and she told us we're writing lines.

I looked at her like she was a troll. "We don't have our quills or any ink."

She smiled at us. "You will be using one of my quills. You don't need any ink. Mr Potter you will write I must not tell lies and Miss Malfoy you will write I must Show Respect."

We started to write and my hand stung. "How many times?" Harry asked. "As long as it takes to sink in." I wrote it out 3 times but then I looked at my hand. 'I must show respect' Was carved into it. I stood up. "Something wrong Miss Malfoy?" She smiled smugly. "Yes. Harry, get up we're leaving." I pulled his arm and left.

"If you leave, you will have detention with me for the rest of the year!" She shouted after us. "Doubtful!" I dragged Harry along to the common room and stood on the table. "Ivy, Harry why are you back already?"

I ignored her and told everyone to shut up. "Who here has had a detention with Professor Umbridge?" 5 people raised their hands.

"Right, everyone who has come over to me please." I stepped down and they came over. "What are your names?"

There was 1 first year, 2 second years, 1 third year and 1 fourth year plus me and Harry. "Show me your hands." They each had different thing carved into their hands. I shook with anger. "Right, well my name is Ivy Malfoy and I'm sure you all know Harry Potter. Let's go on a little trip." We walked to Professor McGonogall's office with Harry complaining all the way.  "Shut up Harry you are not going to change my mind."

I knocked on the door and she came out. "Yes Miss Malfoy? I see you brought others with you."

"No time for chit chat today Minnie. I need you to take us to Dumbledore."

"Whatever do you need to see the Headmaster for?"

"I need his permission to leave school and go to the Ministry."


"Because I need to talk with Minister Fudge about his Undersecretary."

She nodded and I swear I saw a smirk play at the corners of her mouth. "Very well."

We walked to Dumbledore's office and McGonagall said the password. "Minerva, Harry, Ivy, Dexter, Mary, Lia, Eleanor, Dennis. What seems to be the problem?"

"Professor, I need to go to the Ministry to consult with the Minister. And I need your permission. I will obviously take an adult with me, I suggest my Head of House."

"Well, Miss Malfoy I wouldn't want to stand between you and something urgent. You and Professor McGonogall may go to the Ministry. But you need to be back by 8.30 pm."

I nodded. "Of course Professor. Don't worry everyone I will get this sorted out. Just try and stay out of trouble. Harry, take them back to the common room, and no you are not coming. Come on Minnie." Harry left and I took some floo powder. "Ministry of Magic!" I walked out of the Ministry chimney and waited for P

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