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The family of four stepped into the platform, cameras flashing in their face.

"Can we please just go 5 minutes without having our picture taken?"

"Don't worry darling. When you're at Hogwarts, sure it will be weird for a couple of weeks. But eventually, it will die down and you'll build your own reputations. I remember my first time being your dad's girlfriend, people gave me weird looks for ages. But, they got used to it."

Ivy put a hand on her daughters shoulder, while smiling for the cameras.

"Fine." The platinum blonde Lily Minerva Potter looked over at her identical twin sister, sighing as she watched Lyra milking the cameras.

"Why is Lyra so good at it though?"

"Don't worry, Lily flower. Some people were born for the spotlight, others have different talents. Just like you're a seer, that's way cooler than being able to smile for a camera. Just don't tell your sister I said that."

Ivy smiled when she saw her daughter laugh. Lily mimed zipping her lips, making her mother laugh in return.

Across from them, stood Lyra and her father, having a very different conversation.

"No boys, I'm serious, Lyra. I know what you're like."

"Oh dad, you worry too much."

"That's because you take after your mother too much. I remember our first year, she kissed Theo Nott on the quidditch pitch and everyone talked about it for the rest of the year."

"Really? She kissed a Slytherin?"

"You know your mum doesn't care about Hogwarts houses."

"Right. What house do you think I'll be in?"

"I think you're a Slytherin through and through my love. We let you spend way too much time with your uncle as a child."

"Will you be disappointed if I'm in Slytherin?" Lyra looked up at her father anxiously.

He cupped her cheek. "Lyra Remi Potter, I will be proud of you whatever house you're in. Same for your sister, she's more destined to be a Hufflepuff. I guess the line of Gryffindors has ended."

"Don't worry dad, maybe you'll get Gryffindor grandkids."

"Here's hoping. Not for MANY years though, alright?"

Lyra laughed at her father. "Alright, Dad."

The father and daughter pair met up with the other half of their family and stood next to the train.


"As we'll ever be." The kids replied in unison.

"Goodbye, my babies. Remember to write me as often as possible alright?" Ivy gave her daughters a threatening look.

"Yes mother."

"Good. And remember, NEVER let your house get in the way of your friendship with each other. Because once these 7 years are up, no one cares about that. Just have fun, and try not to get too many detentions, Lyra. And Lily, please leave your dorm at least 3 times a week, EXCLUDING classes and meals. The friends you make at Hogwarts will be there for you always, so make them good."

As their daughters left on the train, Harry looked at his wife and sighed. "They look more like you everyday."

"Well, what say we try and make some that look like you?"

Harry smirked at his wife who smirked back at him. "Works for me."


A/N Ok so this is the first story I've ever actually finished which is a miracle. I hope you liked it, and check out my other HP fanfic The Wrong Twin. 💗💗

A/N 16/10/20) I wrote this story a while ago (January 2019) and my writing style has very much changed since I started and ended it

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