Hi, I'm Elisabeth Winter Arendelle. It's Elsa for short.
I'm 18, I love the color of blue, for more particular ocean blue.I have a sister called Annabeth Summer Arendelle, she's 16 and the most cheerful and amazing girl I've ever met.
Oh, and we call her Anna cause Annabeth sounds too 'princessy' she said.Thank God, I don't have 2 other siblings or my parents will surely gave them the middle name of Autumn and Spring. Please forgive the weirdness of my parents.
Hm, what else can we talk about me?
Well, currently studying for the sake of my future in North West High.
Let me tell you a little bit about North West High,
We have Mr. North as our principal, coincidence with the school name? I think not.And we have the oh-so-strict teacher called Mr. Stoick and Madam Yzma, I don't even know why we must call her Madam though.
NW high, like any other high school, consists of different group of students.
For example 'the queen bee' gang which includes Aurora, Cindy or Cinderella, Snow White, and Jasmine;
Or 'the rotten' gang that consist of Vanessa Ursula, Quinn Hearts, Malia Fincentia or for short we call her Maleficent, Cruella De Vil, and last but not least the dumbest twin you'll ever meet Anastasia and Drizella Tremaine.
Well there's also bunch of other girls and boys gang but I don't care much.
Well for me, I belong to "The Big 5", that's what the students called us though.
You ask me why "The Big 5" huh? Well it's not because we have big body like giant or something, but people said we have like very big amount of money, well basically they call us filthy rich.
But for some reason I don't think I'm rich or even filthy rich, it's just our parents and their money, not our money. Me, particularly broke af.
Fyi, I have to work at one of my parents shop to get my allowance.
The gang consist of Merica Dun Broch, little bit info about her, she's from Scotland and her great great great great Grandma was associated with royalty back then and that makes her next seven generation have such a luxury life.
Also we have Astrid Alvilda, she's from Scandinavia and just moved here, well I know nothing about her parents but I know that their parents own cruise company so they go overseas a lot;
Rapunzel Camellia Corona, my cousin, her parents owns the biggest property company in the whole country,
Toothiana Ava Robbins, her parents are the most well known dentist in town,
well last but not least Elsa Arendelle, which is me, my parents own the largest ice cream company overseas.
I almost forgot and also I have a dog, called Olaf!
He's a mix breed between pomeranian and siberian husky, and that makes him a pomsky, is that even make sense? But yeah, he's a pomsky, you can google it if you never saw one.
Okay, I won't stop talking if we're talking about Olaf. So moving on
There's nothing special about me, no super power, no unique skill, although I'm the captain of skating club.
I'm just like any ordinary girls around my age.
Get bored during classes, discussing about the latest gossip, hairs, makeup, stanning some singers and actors, and of course dreaming about boys.
But for some reason I have the previlage from all NW high citizen, but I prefer cursed, that they all agree to call me "the love expert".
Well, I'm not complaining though, rather than Vanessa Ursula being called as "the dumb slut" or Quinn Hearts being called as "the maniac", I prefer mine.
But the truth is, for God sakes, I'm no love expert!
Why I got this title? Particularly part of it was my fault,
I promise I'll tell you why next time but for now please someone help me!
____Hello, every one!
This is your author, thank you for reading my very first chapter!
And sorry for being hiatus for a long time, but I'm back.If you enjoy this story so far,
Please give a favorite and comment what you think about this chapter
It means a lot to meI'll see you in the next episode
xxP.S: I'm not good with first chapter please bare with me, the next one will be more interesting
Please, Just One Wish (Jelsa)
FanfictionElsa Arendelle; the school most popular love advisor. Everybody wants her advice in dating and love life Why? Simply because she holds the record as the girl with the most ex-es in 2 years But little did they know, she actually have a secret that on...