How We Met

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The details on this are a little foggy so please forgive me if something seems off.

This started when I was 12, in the summer of 2015. I was a huge fan of My Little Pony back then and hated the term "pegasister." I was a brony, because I was a tom boy. I hated it when people corrected me. It was kind of funny, in a way.

I frequently used a social media platform called Kik. If you're unaware of what that is, it's an app that lets you chat with people anywhere around the world. Crazy, I know.

I was in a group chat filled with bronies. They were my friends, for the most part, and I really enjoyed every one of them. I dated three people in that chat, and I can't really say I liked any of them.

Okay, that last part is a lie. I can fondly remember Gary. He was a nice guy and although kind of a HUGE perv he never took advantage of me or convinced me to send him any nudes. He was the first one I dated and I'm gonna start with him since his story is the shortest, plus it gives context for.. my ex.

In the summer time, I went by the name of Lizzy. I still do a lot; it's been my nickname since middle school and it stuck, for the most part.

Anyways, I had met Gary in this group chat and he was instantly attractive to me. I never saw his face, but since we didn't date long, that wasn't important to me. He had an edgy humor and was very flirtatious so I instantly started to like him. Then this other girl came around and he liked her.

They were in an abusive relationship for months. I didn't get my chance because I wasn't always on everyday, so he kind of forgot about me. It hurt. But they broke up eventually because she sent nudes to another friend of hers and he leaked them. She had a panic attack and was in the hospital for a few days. She was okay, so don't worry about her too much. We never became friends again but I was never really that mad at her for dating Gary. I wasn't around, after all.

I'll come back to that later. My future ex boyfriend, who went by DJ Haze at the time, was in the chat. I don't remember how we started talking but he told me that in the chat, everyone was saying that they loved each other, but no one was saying it to me. He sensed that I was feeling left out and reached out to me, telling me he loved me too.

I'm not sure if he was doing this intentionally, but this is called grooming. He was setting me up to become emotionally attached to him so he could abuse me later.

Anyways, when I started dating Gary, DJ was critical. He did not like Gary by any means, and the reason for that was because he was jealous. He was extremely jealous, and unbeknownst to me at the time, he was in "love" with me. I just turned thirteen and was in seventh grade. I don't remember how old Gary was- not that much older, I think.

Moving on, things really went downhill when Gary jokingly set his name to "Lizzy's Daddy" on Kik. My future ex was furious. He told me off and told me to tell him to take it down immediately. I didn't understand why he didn't tell him himself, but looking back, that's because he's a giant pussy. So I told Gary about DJ and he didn't change it because he didn't care. That's what I liked about Gary, he just didn't give a shit about what other people thought.

There was another guy in this chat that I was attracted to as well. (I was thirteen and had a lot of hormones, so don't call me a whore.) He never told me his real name, so I'm gonna call him V. V was... an interesting person. Very mysterious, dramatic, and overall a cool person to me. More on that later.

Gary and I dated for a few weeks, and then we lost touch a little. Low and behold, I started to date V. V was almost the opposite of Gary, and I was in love with him. He told me he was the same age as me and I had no reason to doubt that, so I just let it go and trusted him. He never really told me much about him, except that he was in the foster care system a couple times. He was actually in it whenever we talked for a little while.

After I had started to talk to V, Gary found out and told me he knew I was cheating on him. V found out I was cheating on Gary with him, and then I suddenly had no boyfriends at all. V and I were still friends though.

This is where DJ comes in. At this point, we've been friends for a few months now. I go to school and live a normal life and.. I'm not sure what he did. He had called me a lot of times at this point, and I found out his name was Marvin. To this day, that name haunts me.

Marvin and I were "brother and sister" for a very long time before we became romantically involved. He lived in California and I live in Pennsylvania so it was very hard for me. I lived with my mom at the time and she was very suspicious of our relationship, but I assured her over and over that we were just friends.

But it quickly became something much worse.

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