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After I had sex with Brennan, we were still.. in contact for a week or so. I finally decided to have the conversation with him to cut off contact and never speak to him again. I tried to be rational at first but he wouldn't leave me alone. So I blocked him on everything and that was that. No more Marvin, no more painful nights. I was free.

I started talking to the guy I had liked my entire freshman year on the last day of school. We were already kind of close; we had two classes together and were always staring longingly at each other, having our legs intertwined, or touching in some way shape or form. We actually showed each other our underwear everyday as a joke, which I later found out turned him on. I laughed at it because I always thought his underwear was just cool.

This guy's name is Caden. I finally got the courage to tell him I liked him after he walked me home. I stood on my porch and watch him walk down the street, then cried. I cried into my hands and wondered why I couldn't get the courage to tell him I liked him.

Then I said to myself "No. Caden is just a person. You need to have closure, you can't let this fester the entire summer and feel empty inside."

So I texted him and told him how I felt. I told him how I just cried for a few minutes and that I needed to confess my feelings. He told me that he wanted to talk more because even though he wasn't ready for a relationship, he really liked me and wanted to be better friends.

Caden went off to the beach that week, and we talked on Snapchat the entire time he was there. We flirted back and forth, calling each other cute, hot, etc. We Facetimed and had deep conversations and long nights together, sometimes until four in the morning. He would sit on the beach and just look at the stars while I did too, both of us stupid and in love.

On June 3rd, he told me that he wanted to be in love with me. He never officially asked me out, but one night I asked him what we were. He responded with the whole "Im not ready for a relationship" thing again, and then immediately after: "Fuck it. We're dating."

I was shocked. Really? It was that easy? We were dating? My heart was racing. I have liked this boy for months and he finally wanted to date me.

Before I went to sleep, he said these words.

"I know you're about to go to sleep, but I just wanted to say this. I love you. I love you Alyssa."

I cried. "What? You love me?"


"I... I love you too."

When he got back from the beach, he snuck out of his house to see me for the first time as his girlfriend. I hugged and kissed him for ten minutes while his best friend gushed and said he was happy for us. That night was one of the best nights of my life.

I went to bed that night and the next day, he came to see me.

Throughout the summer, we went on multiple dates at a place called Sheetz. If you don't live on the east coast, you may not know what that is. It's a gas station, but a lot nicer and with better food.

But this story isn't about Caden and I, it's about Marvin.

The Story of My Abusive Ex Boyfriend {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now