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So, wow. I was never expecting this book to surpass a thousand reads, let alone 10k. ya'll are crazy.

i wrote this book as a way to cope with my past relationship. i finished it when i was 15. it's been over three years now, and.. well, i don't even think about it anymore. i sometimes make jokes about it, but that's about it.

i noticed this was picking up a lot of traction so i felt like i needed to come on and say something. so here i am lol

the way i talked about this relationship was... weird? i guess? now that i'm in an actual, happy relationship, it's weird to see myself say that i was in love with marvin. i thought i was, i guess. hell, i thought i was in love with caden, but he was almost just as bad as marvin was. dudes just be obsessing over me for whatever god damn reason lmfao. weird flex lesgooo

moving on ..

if you were curious, i'm 18 now, in college and dating my bf josh. he's actually very wonderful. he knows a lot about my past trauma and is the most kind, respectful person i have ever met. and absolutely nothing like caden or marvin. which is good because i'm so tired of being shit on by ugly ass men !!!

however, life is still difficult. even though i'm healed from the relationships themselves, trauma still follows me around. i have a hard time trusting josh and others, and a weird relationship with my body. i hypersexualized myself for a while when i got into college as a way to cope with these things. it didn't help, but i learned from it. and now i'm in a stable relationship that makes me love myself. i couldn't be more grateful for that.

this book is super cringey to me now, not because of the content but just because of how i wrote it. i guess that means i've matured since then. thank god.

i sincerely hope that this book has helped those who have read it in some way. even if it just makes you feel less alone. y'all deserve the bestest :)

i know i may just be a stranger to y'all, but if you seriously have nowhere else to turn, i'm here!! coming from a girl who had no one multiple times in her life, even a stranger to vent to would've been helpful. my dms are always open to all you lovelies.

as my final message, i remind everyone to stay safe. trust your instincts, and focus on you when you have to. you're irreplaceable, you cute little reader you. <3

goodnight ya'll! catch you on the flip ;)

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