Additional Details

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Here are some details of my relationship that I remembered. Some are big, some are not so big. So here we go.

-On my birthday I bought a game for us to share. He stole it from me and I lost $60 :)

-He seemed really nonchalant about me self-harming. He never questioned if he was the reason and basically told me that it was my own choice and that he had nothing to do with it. Like... okay.

-Obviously he was controlling, but he also was weird about my body. He would get mad if I wore something he didn't like and he didn't want anyone else to see me wear shorts. (In my own house too, geez.)

-He was against me smoking weed and vaping, even though he wasn't in my house to breath in anything. (His reason against it is that he has asthma, but I told him I would stop if we ever lived together.)

-Sometimes I would sing to him and then he would get mad because he wanted to sing instead. I never told him he couldn't.. it was just so bizarre. Like sing, even though your voice is shit, I'm not telling you no.

-He put me down CONSTANTLY. About everything. My art, my clothes, my makeup, etc. He would rarely compliment me unless it was on something I couldn't control. (i.e. my breasts or other body parts.)

-He criticized my family fairly often. It's one thing when I do it but I was very hurt when he did. I live with these people, for God's sake. Unless I tell you that you can say something just don't.

-He was so impatient with me. If I said or did one thing wrong he would be going off on a tangent. Everyone makes mistakes, and I made a fair amount of them but I'm only human.

-He had my passwords to nearly every social media I owned. He would constantly log me out of my Snapchat and stalk who I was talking to. It got so out of hand that I had to change the password multiple times.

-He didn't like that I would listen to bands or artists that were males. How insecure do you have to be to be jealous of famous people that your girlfriend will never meet? And they're twice her age??? I literally understood nothing when he got mad at me for listening to bands that I liked. I was just so baffled.

-We argued so much about old shit. I'm talking stuff that had happened months before he would bring up in a recent argument. What's the point of digging up buried hatchets?? Just leave it alone for Christ's sake.

That's all I can think of for now. Probably going to be updating with more parts as I remember more of our relationship. Thanks for reading.

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