Our Relationship

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Before we dated, I was dating a boy named Soren. He was a year younger than Marvin and liked a lot of the same things I did. I was desperately in love with him and we dated for over a year. We lost contact for a lot of it, though.

So he cheated on me. With four other girls. I found out when one of them texted me and asked me if I was dating him. I answered yes, and then she told me what had happened. She was heartbroken, and so were her other friends. Apparently, he had told all of them that he loved them. Him and I had a couple's profile picture, but two of the other girls had the same one I did. Meaning he told them to change theirs too.

Surprisingly, I didn't cry. I was upset, but I couldn't bring myself to cry. I confronted him about it, and then eventually we stopped talking. Lost contact forever.

Marvin comes in by saving the day and making me feel better. He told me that Soren was a piece of shit and that I deserved much better than him. I agreed, and then we became better friends.

Months went by, and then we confessed that we liked each other. But... in a very poor way.

He had asked me to send nudes of myself. When I was thirteen. I was appalled. I had never done something like that before. Ever. But he begged over and over again for me to do it, so I caved and sent him some. He told me he had gotten off to them and then he wanted us to do it more often. I agreed.

I thought I was doing something bad but ignored it. My need to be accepted by him was overpowering my decision making. So it continued.

On the night it first happened, I became his girlfriend. We dated on and off for over a year.

It was fine for a while, we were happy and "in love." But it quickly became abusive. He was needy, clingy, didn't want me to spend time with family or friends.

So I was isolated that summer. Alone.

This was a year after the Gary and V incident, so it was 2016. From this point on, I can't remember many of the details. So I'll skip to the summer before eighth grade.

I rightfully broke up with him. He was a nuisance, and since I was starting a new school year, I wanted to be single in case anyone caught my eye. That should've been a big sign to me that I did not love him. Because I truly didn't and I still don't. He was heartbroken, furious, and confused. He called me a whore and told me to stay out of his life.

But that didn't happen. We continued to talk everyday for my eighth grade year. I dated three guys that year and was romantically involved with (but not dating) one. He was jealous every time I got into a new relationship. He told me that he loved me everyday and I tried my hardest to move on and forget about him. Every time I broke up with a guy or they called it off, he would throw it in my face and tell me that I should've stayed with him.

After eighth grade was over, I got back together with him for the summer. We fought almost everyday. Over little things, over big things, it didn't matter. There was always a fight. He told me I didn't spend enough time with him, I told him I had other things to do. He asked me to send him nudes, most of the time I declined until he pushed me to send them.

I'm not sure how many I sent in the time I was dating him. For months I sent him pictures almost everyday. He told me that, if anything had ever happened he would delete them and never post them. He told me that he was a good guy and couldn't do that to anyone, no matter what happened. I still don't know if he did or not.

What I do know is that he had hundreds. Hundreds of them. He told me that old ones were "boring" and "stale" and asked for new ones almost everyday. I complied but it kept getting more and more abusive. 5 pictures this time, 10 pictures this time. It was unbearable. Soon I had started to hate myself for it. I had anxiety, thinking what if his mother or friend happened to see them. What then?

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