Author's Note

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If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this book please comment them here or DM me. I would rather you know what has gone on here than be in the dark about certain details.

Again, if you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading. I've been burying this for a very long time and it's taken me a while to come to terms with it and tell you my story. It had psychologically affected me to the point where it's hard to do some things anymore without remembering what I went through and going through the pain all over again. This book has helped me realize that I am okay, I am free and I am loved.

For anyone who has ever been abused or thinks that someone they know is being abused:

There is always a safe way out. You don't need to be afraid, there are always people to help you get out of any dangerous situation. Please be careful with people who seem abusive or have been in the past, and lastly, remember that you are worth it. You are worth love and support, even if you've been abused.

Please call the domestic abuse hotline or look up any information to help you or a loved one get out of an abusive situation.

Thank you for reading.

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